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时间: 2024-09-10 05:12:42


Certainly! "Umbrage" 的意思是“不悦”、“生气”或“愤怒”,以下是一些例句及其中文解释:

1. She took umbrage at his remarks about her cooking skills. (她对他关于她烹饪技能的评论感到不悦。)

2. He resigned after taking umbrage at the company's decision to cut his department's budget. (在公司决定削减他部门预算后,他愤然辞职。)

3. The politician's supporters took umbrage at the media's portrayal of their candidate. (政治家的支持者对媒体对他们候选人的描绘感到愤怒。)

4. She quickly apologized when she saw he had taken umbrage at her teasing. (当她看到他对她的调侃感到生气时,她迅速道歉。)

5. The artist's fans took umbrage at the critic's harsh review of his latest exhibition. (艺术家的粉丝对评论家对他最新展览的严厉评论感到愤怒。)

6. He tends to take umbrage at any suggestion that questions his expertise. (他倾向于对任何质疑他专业知识的建议感到不悦。)

7. The company's decision to relocate sparked umbrage among its long-time employees. (公司决定搬迁激起了长期员工的不满情绪。)

8. She gave him umbrage by arriving late to their meeting. (她因为迟到而让他生气。)

9. They took umbrage at the unfair treatment they received from their supervisor. (他们对主管对他们的不公平待遇感到愤怒。)

10. He felt umbrage at being overlooked for the promotion. (他因为没有得到晋升感到不悦。)

11. Umbrage spread through the community after the mayor's controversial decision. (在市长做出有争议的决定后,社区中弥漫着不满情绪。)

12. She couldn't hide her umbrage when he forgot their anniversary. (当他忘记了他们的纪念日时,她无法掩饰她的不悦。)

13. The team captain took umbrage at the referee's biased decisions during the game. (队长对裁判在比赛中的偏颇决定感到愤怒。)

14. Umbrage among shareholders grew as the company's profits continued to decline. (随着公司利润持续下降,股东们的不满情绪加剧。)

15. He reluctantly apologized to avoid causing umbrage among his colleagues. (为了避免在同事中引起不满,他不情愿地道歉了。)


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