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时间: 2024-09-10 05:56:01


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "unify" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The treaty aimed to unify the two warring factions into a single government. (这项条约旨在将两个交战派系统一为一个政府。)

2. The coach's challenge was to unify the team after a series of disappointing losses. (教练的挑战是在一连串令人失望的失败之后统一整个队伍。)

3. The company's goal is to unify its branding across all subsidiaries. (公司的目标是在所有子公司中统一其品牌。)

4. The artist used color to unify the different elements of the painting. (艺术家运用色彩将绘画中的不同元素统一起来。)

5. The leader's speech aimed to unify the nation during a time of crisis. (领导的讲话旨在在危机时期统一全国。)

6. Music has the power to unify people from diverse backgrounds. (音乐有着将来自不同背景的人们统一起来的力量。)

7. The architect designed the building to unify modern aesthetics with functional efficiency. (建筑师设计这座建筑旨在将现代美学与功能效率统一起来。)

8. The new policy seeks to unify various regional regulations into a single framework. (新政策旨在将各种地区性规定统一到一个框架中。)

9. The conference aimed to unify global efforts against climate change. (这次会议旨在统一全球对抗气候变化的努力。)

10. The artist attempted to unify classical themes with contemporary art techniques. (艺术家试图将古典主题与当代艺术技法统一起来。)

11. Their shared goals helped to unify the team despite their cultural differences. (尽管存在文化差异,他们共同的目标帮助团队达成统一。)

12. The treaty aimed to unify the policies of neighboring countries regarding trade. (该条约旨在统一邻国关于贸易的政策。)

13. The coach's strategy was to unify the players around a common tactical approach. (教练的策略是在共同的战术方法周围将球员统一起来。)

14. The organization's mission is to unify efforts towards achieving global peace. (该组织的使命是统一努力,实现全球和平。)

15. The project manager worked to unify the diverse talents within the team towards a common goal. (项目经理努力将团队中多样的才能统一到一个共同的目标之下。)

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