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时间: 2024-09-20 11:21:32



1. His untutored approach to painting resulted in raw, emotive works of art. (他对绘画的未经训练的方法导致了原始而富有感情的艺术作品。)

2. She possessed an untutored talent for playing the piano, despite never having lessons. (她虽然从未上过课,但她有天赋地弹奏钢琴。)

3. The untutored child astonished everyone with her innate ability to solve complex puzzles. (那个未受过教育的孩子以她天生的解决复杂难题的能力让所有人都感到惊讶。)

4. His untutored manners betrayed his lack of exposure to formal social settings. (他未受训的举止显露出他对正式社交场合缺乏接触。)

5. Despite his untutored background, he showed a remarkable grasp of advanced mathematics. (尽管他没有受过正规教育,但他对高级数学有着卓越的理解力。)

6. The novel's strength lies in its untutored narrative style, which feels refreshingly genuine. (这部小说的力量在于其未受训练的叙事风格,令人感到清新和真实。)

7. Her untutored singing voice had a haunting quality that captivated the audience. (她未经训练的歌声有一种迷人的质感,迷住了观众。)

8. He approached the problem with an untutored simplicity that cut through the complexities. (他用未经训练的简单方法来处理问题,轻松应对了复杂性。)

9. The untutored enthusiasm of the children was infectious and brought joy to everyone around them. (孩子们未经训练的热情是如此具有感染力,让周围的每个人都感到快乐。)

10. Her untutored knowledge of the local customs sometimes led to unintentional misunderstandings. (她对当地风俗的未经训练的认知有时会导致无意的误解。)

11. The filmmaker's untutored approach to storytelling resulted in a film that felt refreshingly original. (这位电影制作人对讲故事的未经训练的方法导致了一部让人觉得非常原创的电影。)

12. Despite his untutored status, he quickly adapted to the demands of the job. (尽管他未受过训练,但他很快适应了工作的要求。)

13. Her untutored attempts at cooking were met with mixed reviews from her family. (她未经训练的烹饪尝试在家人中获得了好评和差评。)

14. The team's untutored strategy initially seemed naive but ultimately proved effective. (团队的未经训练的策略起初看似天真,但最终证明是有效的。)

15. His untutored observations of nature were surprisingly accurate despite his lack of formal education. (尽管他没有正式教育,他对自然的未经训练的观察却出奇地准确。)


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