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时间: 2024-09-17 13:08:54


Certainly! 这里有关于"untwine"的例句,每个后面跟着中文解释:

1. She carefully untwined the tangled yarn. (她小心地把缠结的毛线解开。)

2. He managed to untwine the vines from the fence. (他成功地把藤蔓从篱笆上解开。)

3. They slowly began to untwine the complex legal issues. (他们开始慢慢解决复杂的法律问题。)

4. She gently untwined her fingers from his. (她轻轻地把手指从他的手中抽出。)

5. It took hours to untwine the stories they had heard. (花了几个小时去梳理他们听到的各种故事。)

6. He couldn't untwine the conflicting emotions in his mind. (他无法摆脱心中冲突的情绪。)

7. The detective tried to untwine the web of lies. (侦探试图揭开谎言的纷扰。)

8. She had to untwine herself from the toxic relationship. (她不得不从有害的关系中脱身。)

9. They untwined the misunderstanding and reached a compromise. (他们消除了误解,达成了妥协。)

10. He needed time to untwine his thoughts and make a decision. (他需要时间整理思绪并做出决定。)

11. The therapist helped her untwine her traumatic memories. (治疗师帮助她解开创伤记忆的纠缠。)

12. They carefully untwined the diplomatic tensions between the two countries. (他们小心翼翼地化解了两国之间的外交紧张局势。)

13. The musician tried to untwine the melody from his head onto paper. (音乐家试图把他头脑中的旋律写到纸上。)

14. The team worked hard to untwine the technical glitches in the system. (团队努力排除系统中的技术故障。)

15. It's difficult to untwine fact from fiction in this story. (在这个故事中,很难分辨事实和虚构。)


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