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时间: 2024-09-19 11:28:10


1. The waiting-room was filled with patients anxiously awaiting their turn to see the doctor.(等候室里挤满了焦急等待看医生的病人。)

2. I sat in the waiting-room flipping through magazines to pass the time.(我坐在等候室里翻阅杂志打发时间。)

3. The waiting-room had a calming atmosphere with soft music playing in the background.(等候室里播放着柔和的音乐,营造出一种宁静的氛围。)

4. The waiting-room was decorated with soothing colors and comfortable chairs.(等候室装饰着舒缓的颜色和舒适的椅子。)

5. As I sat in the waiting-room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the news I was about to receive.(当我坐在等候室里时,我禁不住对即将收到的消息充满期待。)

6. The waiting-room was surprisingly empty, giving me hope that I wouldn't have to wait long.(等候室出奇地空旷,让我希望自己不用等太久。)

7. The waiting-room had a view of a beautiful garden, providing a peaceful distraction for those waiting.(等候室可以看到美丽的花园,为等候的人提供了一种宁静的消遣。)

8. I found the waiting-room to be a place of mixed emotions, with some people looking nervous and others appearing calm.(我觉得等候室是一个充满了各种情绪的地方,有些人看起来紧张,而有些人看起来很镇定。)

9. The waiting-room was equipped with a coffee machine and snacks for the convenience of the patients and their companions.(等候室里配备了咖啡机和零食,方便病人及其陪同者。)

10. Despite the comfortable seating arrangements, the waiting-room felt tense as everyone waited for their names to be called.(尽管座位摆放得很舒适,但等候室里充满了紧张感,每个人都在等待自己的名字被叫到。)

11. The waiting-room was brightly lit, making it feel welcoming and inviting.(等候室里灯光明亮,让人感觉很温馨和吸引人。)

12. I struck up a conversation with a fellow patient in the waiting-room to pass the time.(我和等候室里的一位病人开始交谈,打发时间。)

13. The waiting-room had a TV showing a news channel to keep patients updated while they waited.(等候室里有一台电视播放新闻频道,让病人在等待时保持更新。)

14. The waiting-room was abuzz with chatter as people shared their experiences and stories while waiting.(等候室里充满了交谈声,人们在等待时分享自己的经历和故事。)

15. Despite the sterile surroundings, the waiting-room exuded a sense of hope and healing.(尽管周围环境冷清,但等候室散发着一种希望和治愈的氛围。)

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