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时间: 2024-09-17 13:07:30


1. I wake up at 6 am every morning to go for a run. (我每天早上6点起床去跑步。)

2. The loud noise from the construction site woke me up from my nap. (建筑工地的噪音把我从午睡中吵醒了。)

3. She tried to wake her friend up by shaking her shoulders. (她摇晃着朋友的肩膀,试图把她叫醒。)

4. The smell of fresh coffee always wakes me up and gets me ready for the day. (新鲜咖啡的香味总是能让我清醒并准备好迎接新的一天。)

5. It's important to wake up early if you want to make the most of your day. (如果想充分利用一天的时间,早起是很重要的。)

6. The sudden noise in the middle of the night woke the whole house. (半夜里突然的噪音把整个房子都吵醒了。)

7. The sound of the alarm clock woke him from a deep sleep. (闹钟的声音把他从沉睡中唤醒。)

8. The news of the accident woke everyone up to the dangers of reckless driving. (事故的消息让大家意识到了鲁莽驾驶的危险。)

9. The smell of smoke woke her up to the possibility of a fire in the building. (烟味让她警觉可能有火灾发生在建筑物内。)

10. The bright sunlight streaming through the window woke the children up earlier than usual. (透过窗户的明亮阳光让孩子们比平时早醒。)

11. The sudden realization of her mistake woke her up to the consequences of her actions. (突然意识到自己的错误让她意识到了自己行为的后果。)

12. The tragic event served as a wake-up call for the entire community to come together and support each other. (这一悲剧事件成为整个社区共同团结互助的警钟。)

13. After the economic downturn, many people had a wake-up call about the importance of financial planning. (经济衰退后,许多人对财务规划的重要性有了觉醒。)

14. The coach's motivational speech was a wake-up call for the team to start performing at their best. (教练的激励性演讲让球队意识到需要发挥出最佳水平。)

15. The documentary about climate change was a powerful wake-up call for people to take action to protect the environment. (关于气候变化的纪录片是一个强有力的警钟,让人们意识到需要采取行动来保护环境。)

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