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时间: 2024-09-19 11:23:01


1. Wales is known for its stunning natural beauty, including mountains and coastlines. (威尔士以其令人惊叹的自然美景而闻名,包括山脉和海岸线。)

2. I'm planning to visit Wales next summer to explore its rich history and culture. (我计划明年夏天去威尔士,探索其丰富的历史和文化。)

3. The national flag of Wales features a red dragon on a green and white background. (威尔士的国旗上有一条红色的龙,底色是绿色和白色。)

4. Cardiff, the capital city of Wales, is a vibrant and cosmopolitan city with a rich sporting heritage. (威尔士的首府卡迪夫是一个充满活力和国际化的城市,拥有丰富的体育遗产。)

5. The Welsh language, also known as Cymraeg, is spoken by a significant number of people in Wales. (威尔士语,也被称为威尔士语,是威尔士许多人使用的语言。)

6. The Brecon Beacons National Park in Wales is a popular destination for hiking and outdoor activities. (威尔士的布雷肯比肯斯国家公园是徒步旅行和户外活动的热门目的地。)

7. The Welsh rugby team is famous for its passionate and dedicated fans. (威尔士橄榄球队以其热情和敬业的球迷而闻名。)

8. Snowdonia National Park in Wales is home to the highest mountain in England and Wales, Mount Snowdon. (威尔士的雪登尼亚国家公园是英格兰和威尔士最高的山脉,雪登山的所在地。)

9. The annual Eisteddfod festival celebrates Welsh music, literature, and culture. (每年的艾斯特德福德节庆祝威尔士音乐、文学和文化。)

10. Dylan Thomas, a famous Welsh poet and writer, is known for his lyrical and evocative works. (迪伦·托马斯是一位著名的威尔士诗人和作家,以其抒情和唤起感觉的作品而闻名。)

11. The coastline of Wales is dotted with picturesque villages and stunning beaches. (威尔士的海岸线上散布着风景如画的村庄和令人惊叹的海滩。)

12. The Welsh countryside is filled with charming castles and historic landmarks. (威尔士的乡村充满了迷人的城堡和历史地标。)

13. The Millennium Stadium in Cardiff is a major venue for sports events and concerts in Wales. (卡迪夫的千年体育馆是威尔士举办体育赛事和音乐会的重要场所。)

14. The Welsh people are known for their warm hospitality and friendly nature. (威尔士人以他们热情好客和友好的性格而闻名。)

15. The traditional Welsh dish, Welsh rarebit, is a delicious combination of melted cheese, mustard, and ale on toasted bread. (传统的威尔士菜肴威尔士稀有兔是将融化的奶酪、芥末和淡啤酒放在烤面包上制成的美味组合。)

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