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时间: 2024-10-05 21:56:25


1. The government's investigation into the scandal was seen as a whitewash, as no one was held accountable. (政府对这一丑闻的调查被视为掩盖真相,因为没有人被追究责任。)

2. The company tried to whitewash its environmental record by making small donations to green charities. (该公司试图通过向绿色慈善机构捐款来掩盖其环境记录。)

3. The report was criticized for its whitewash of the company's unethical practices. (该报告因为掩盖了公司的不道德行为而受到批评。)

4. The politician's speech was nothing more than a whitewash of his own failures. (这位政治家的演讲只不过是为了掩盖他自己的失败。)

5. The company's internal investigation was seen as a whitewash, as it failed to address the allegations of corruption. (该公司的内部调查被视为掩盖真相,因为它未能处理腐败指控。)

6. The committee's report was accused of whitewashing the CEO's involvement in the scandal. (委员会的报告被指责为掩盖了首席执行官在丑闻中的参与。)

7. The government's response to the protests was seen as a whitewash, as it failed to address the underlying issues. (政府对抗议活动的回应被视为掩盖真相,因为它未能解决根本问题。)

8. The company's PR team tried to whitewash the negative reviews by flooding the internet with positive comments. (该公司的公关团队试图通过在互联网上发布正面评论来掩盖负面评价。)

9. The movie was criticized for whitewashing the historical events and downplaying the role of marginalized groups. (这部电影因为掩盖历史事件和淡化边缘群体的角色而受到批评。)

10. The journalist's article exposed the government's attempt to whitewash its human rights abuses. (记者的文章揭露了政府试图掩盖其人权侵犯行为的企图。)

11. The company's CEO was accused of whitewashing his involvement in the financial fraud. (该公司的首席执行官被指控掩盖了他在金融欺诈中的参与。)

12. Despite the evidence, the jury's decision to acquit the defendant was seen as a whitewash. (尽管有证据,陪审团无罪判决被视为掩盖真相。)

13. The report was criticized for its attempt to whitewash the government's mishandling of the crisis. (该报告因试图掩盖政府对危机处理不当而受到批评。)

14. The company's statement was seen as a whitewash, as it failed to acknowledge its role in the pollution of the local river. (该公司的声明被视为掩盖真相,因为它未能承认自己在当地河流污染中的角色。)

15. The politician's apology was seen as a whitewash, as it lacked sincerity and failed to address the harm caused by his actions. (这位政治家的道歉被视为掩盖真相,因为它缺乏诚意,未能解决他的行为造成的伤害。)

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