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empty 翻译成中文

时间: 2024-09-19 11:32:56



/ 5empti /

(emptier, emptiest)
1. containing nothing; not filled or occupied
• 空的,没装东西的;无人(居住)的
 »he took his empty coffee cup back to the counter.
 »the room was empty of furniture.
  (figurative)(of words or a gesture) having no meaning or likelihood of fulfilment
[喻] (话语,手势)没意义的;空洞的,不会兑现的
  (figurative)having no value or purpose
[喻] 毫无价值(或目的)的,空虚的
 »after a string of unhappy love affairs, her life felt empty and meaningless.
  [Mathematics] (of a set) containing no members or elements
[数] (集合)不含任何元素的,空的
(-ies, -ied)
1. [with obj.] remove all the contents of (a container)
• 使(容器)变空,倒空,腾空
 »we empty the till each night at closing time.
 »pockets were emptied of loose change.
  remove (the contents) from a container
• 倒出(所装物品),将…移出
 »he emptied out the contents of his briefcase.
  [no obj.] (of a place) be vacated by people in it
• (地方)(人)走空
 »the pub suddenly seemed to empty.
  [no obj.] (empty into)(of a river) discharge itself into (the sea or a lake)
• (河流)流入,注入(海,湖)
(pl. -ies)
1. [一般作 empties ] [informal] a container (especially a bottle or glass) left empty of its contents
[非正式] 空容器(尤指空瓶或空杯)
be running on empty
1. have exhausted all of one's resources or sustenance
• 耗尽资源
empty vessels make most noise ( 或 sound)
1. (proverb)those with least wisdom or knowledge are always the most talkative
[谚] 一瓶不响,半瓶晃荡
on an empty stomach --› see stomach
emptily adverb
emptiness noun
1. Old English ǣmtig, ǣmetig 'at leisure, unoccupied, empty', from ǣmetta 'leisure', perhaps from ā 'no, not' + mōt 'meeting' (see moot )
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