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时间: 2024-09-17 13:44:05



/ Euld /

(older, oldest)
• 参见 elder, eldest
1. having lived for a long time; no longer young
• 年老的
 »the old man lay propped up on cushions.
  made or built long ago
• 古老的;年代久的
 »the old quarter of the town.
  possessed or used for a long time
• 陈旧的
 »he gave his old clothes away.
  having the characteristics or showing the signs of age
• 衰老的
 »he complained of being old beyond his years.
2. [attrib.] belonging only or chiefly to the past; former or previous
• 过去的;以前的
 »valuation under the old rating system was inexact.
  used to refer to the first of two or more similar things
• 最初的
 »I was going to try to get my old job back.
  dating from far back; long-established or known
• 旧时的;熟悉的
 »we greet each other like old friends.
 »I get sick of the same old routine.
  denoting someone who formerly attended a specified school
• 曾参加过的;老的
 »an old Etonian.
  (of a form of a language) as used in former or earliest times
• (语言形式)过去的;早期的
3. [in combination] of a specified age
• (表特定年龄)…岁的
 »he was fourteen years old.
 »a seven-month-old baby.
  [as noun] [in combination] a person or animal of the age specified
• …岁的(人,动物)
 »a nineteen-year-old.
4. [attrib.] [informal] used to express affection, familiarity, or contempt
[非正式] (表示喜爱、熟悉或轻视)从前的
 »it wasn't a bad old life.
 »‘ Good old Mum,’ she said.
any old
1. any item of a specified type (used to show that no particular or special individual is in question)
• (用于表示无特殊个体)任意一个
 »any old room would have done.
any old how
1. in no particular order
• 随意地
 »they've dropped things just any old how.
as old as the hills
1. of very long standing or very great age (often used in exaggerated statements)
• (常用作夸张)和山一样老
for old times' sake --› see sake
of old
1. in or belonging to the past
• 过去的
 »he was more reticent than of old.
2. starting long ago; for a long time
• 古老的;年代久的
 »they knew him of old.
the old days
1. a period in the past, often seen as significantly different from the present, especially noticeably better or worse
• 以前;从前;昔日
 »it was easier in the old days.
 »we are less confident than in the good old days.
 »the bad old days of incoherence and irresponsibility.
old enough to be someone's father (或 mother)
1. [informal] of a much greater age than someone (especially used to suggest that a romantic or sexual relationship between the people concerned is inappropriate)
[非正式] 老得可以当某人的父亲(或母亲)
the Old Firm
1. [informal] (in Scotland) a name for Celtic and Rangers Football Clubs, either singly or collectively
[非正式] (苏格兰)“老字号”(凯尔特及流浪者足球俱乐部的别称)[单指其中之一或指两者]
 »[as modifier] an Old Firm match.
you can't put an old head on young shoulders
1. (proverb)you can't expect a young person to have the wisdom or maturity associated with older people
[谚] 你不能指望年轻人有老人的头脑
oldish adjective
oldness noun
1. Old English ald, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch oud and German alt, from an Indo-European root meaning 'grown-up, adult', shared by Latin alere 'nourish'
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