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时间: 2024-09-19 11:37:19




1. identifying the agent performing an action
• [表明施动者]由,被
  after a passive verb
• [用于被动式动词之后]
 »the door was opened by my cousin Annie.
 »damage caused by fire.
  after a noun denoting an action
• [用于表动作的名词之后]
 »further attacks by the Mob.
 »a clear decision by the electorate.
  identifying the author of a text, idea, or work of art
• [表明文本、观点或艺术品的作者]
 »a book by Ernest Hemingway.
2. [often with verbal noun] indicating the means of achieving something
• [表示获得的方法]凭借,用,通过
 »malaria can be controlled by attacking the parasite.
 »substantiating their opinions by the use of precise textual reference.
 »they plan to provide further working capital by means of borrowing.
  indicating a term to which an interpretation is to be assigned
• [表示待翻译的词]
 »what is meant by ‘fair’ ?
  indicating a name according to which a person is known
• [表示为人所知的名字]
 »she mostly calls me by my last name.
  indicating the means of transport selected for a journey
• [表示旅行所用的交通工具]
 »the cost of travelling by bus.
 »travelling by road to Aylsham.
  indicating the other parent of someone's child or children
• [表示孩子(们)的另一位家长]由…所生
 »Richard is his son by his third wife.
  indicating the sire of a pedigree animal, especially a horse
• [表示纯种动物的亲畜,尤指种马]
 »a black filly by Goldfuerst.
  (followed by a noun without a determiner) in various phrases indicating how something happens
• [用于多个短语,后接不带限定词的名词,表示事情如何发生]
 »I heard by chance that she has married again.
 »Anderson, by contrast, rejects this view.
 »she ate by candlelight.
3. indicating the amount or size of a margin
• [表示幅度]以…之差,相差…
 »the shot missed her by miles.
 »the raising of VAT by 2.5%.
  indicating a quantity or amount
• [表示数量或数额]按…计算
 »billing is by the minute.
 »the drunken yobbos who turned up by the cartload.
  in phrases indicating something happening repeatedly or progressively, typically with repetition of a unit of time
• [表示某物反复发生或逐渐发生,尤用于表时间重复的短语中](一个)又(一个),(一个)接着(一个)
 »colours changing minute by minute.
 »the risk becomes worse by the day.
  identifying a parameter
• [表明参量]根据,按
 »a breakdown of employment figures by age and occupation.
  expressing multiplication, especially in dimensions
• [表乘法,尤用于面积]乘
 »a map measuring 400 by 600 mm.
 »she multiplied it by 89.
4. indicating a deadline or the end of a particular time period
• [表示截止日期或某时期的终结]到…之前;不迟于
 »I've got to do this report by Monday.
 »by now Kelly needed extensive physiotherapy.
5. indicating location of a physical object beside a place or object
• 在…旁边,靠近
 »remains were discovered by the roadside.
 »the pram was by the dresser.
  past and beyond
• 通过;经过
 »I drove by our house.
6. indicating the period in which something happens
• 在…的时候
 »this animal always hunts by night.
7. concerning; according to
• 关于;根据
 »anything you do is all right by me.
 »she had done her duty by him.
1. used in mild oaths
• [用于誓言中]以…的名义
 »it was the least he could do, by God.
1. so as to go past
• 经过;过去
 »a car flashed by on the other side of the road.
 »he let only a moment go by.
(pl. byes)
1. variant spelling of bye
• 同 bye
by and by
1. before long; eventually
• 不久;最终
by the by (或 bye)
1. incidentally ; parenthetically
• 顺便提一句;插上一句
 »where's Hector, by the by?
by and large
1. on the whole; everything considered
• 总的说来;大体上
 »mammals have, by and large, bigger brains than reptiles.
by oneself
1. alone
• 单独地
 »living in Farley Court by himself.
2. unaided
• 独自地
 »the patient often learns to undress by himself.
by way of --› see way
1. Old English , bi, be, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch bij and German bei
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