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turkey 中文

时间: 2024-11-10 07:24:28




(pl. -eys)
1. a large mainly domesticated game bird native to North America, having a bald head and (in the male) red wattles. It is prized as food, especially on festive occasions such as Christmas and (in the US) Thanksgiving
• 吐绶鸡,火鸡
2. Meleagris gallopavo, family Meleagridae (or Phasianidae)
• 拉丁名Meleagris gallopavo,火鸡科(或雉科)
  [mass noun] the flesh of the turkey as food
• 火鸡肉
3. (informal, chiefly US)something that is extremely or completely unsuccessful, especially a play or film
[非正式,主美] (尤指戏剧、电影)极其(或完全)失败的作品
  a stupid or inept person
• 笨蛋;无能的人
like turkeys voting for Christmas
1. [informal] used to suggest that a particular action or decision is hopelessly self-defeating
[非正式] 像火鸡支持圣诞节一样(指某个举动或决定完全是无望地自我拆台)
talk turkey
1. [N. Amer. informal] discuss something frankly and straightforwardly
[北美,非正式] 坦率直接地讨论
1. mid 16th cent.: short for turkeycock or turkeyhen, originally applied to the guineafowl (which was imported through Turkey), and then erroneously to the American bird
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