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时间: 2024-09-20 01:13:47



/ kE5lekt /

verb, [with obj.]
1. bring or gather together (things, typically when scattered or widespread)
• 聚集;使集中
 »he went round the office collecting old coffee cups.
 »he collected up all his clothing.
  accumulate and store over a period of time
• 积聚;采集;存储
 »collect rainwater to use on the garden.
  systematically seek and acquire (items of a particular kind) as a hobby
• (作为爱好)收藏;搜集;收集
 »I've started collecting stamps.
  [no obj.] come together and form a group or mass
• 集中,集合
 »worshippers collected together in centres.
 »dust and dirt collect so quickly .
2. call for and take away; fetch
• (去)取;接
 »the children were collected from school.
  go somewhere and accept or receive (something), especially as a right or due
• 去接受;去领取;去收取(尤指有权要求或应得之物)
 »she came to Oxford to collect her honorary degree.
  solicit and receive (donations), especially for charity
• (尤指为慈善事业)募捐;募集
 »collecting money for the war effort.
 »[no obj.] I collect for Oxfam.
  [no obj.] [informal] receive money that is due; be paid
[非正式] 收账;领取(工资,酬劳)
 »he'd come to collect.
3. (collect oneself)regain control of oneself, typically after a shock
• (尤指在受惊后)恢复镇定
  bring together and concentrate (one's thoughts)
• 集中(思想)
4. (archaic)conclude ; infer
[古] 推断;推论
 »[with clause] by all best conjectures, I collect Thou art to be my fatal enemy.
5. cause (a horse) to bring its hind legs further forward as it moves, thereby shortening the stride and increasing balance and impulsion
• 使(马)以受衔姿势跑
6. [Austral./NZ informal] collide with
[澳/新西兰,非正式] 和…互撞;和…发生冲突
 »he lost control of the truck and collected two cats and a cow.
adverb & adjective
1. [N. Amer.] (with reference to a telephone call) to be paid for by the person receiving it
[北美] (电话)由受话人付费(的)
 »[as adv.] I called my mother collect.
 »[as adj.] a collect call.
1. [Austral./NZ informal] a winning bet
[澳/新西兰,非正式] 打赢的赌;赢钱的赌注,胜注
1. late Middle English: from Old French collecter or medieval Latin collectare, from Latin collect- 'gathered together', from the verb colligere, from col- 'together' + legere 'choose or collect'
1. (in church use) a short prayer, especially one assigned to a particular day or season
[教会] (尤指特定日期或季节的)短祈祷文
1. Middle English: from Old French collecte, from Latin collecta 'gathering', feminine past participle of colligere 'gather together' (see collect )
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