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时间: 2024-09-19 11:27:06



/ keis /

1. an instance of a particular situation; an example of something occurring
• 情形;事例,实例
 »a case of mistaken identity.
 » in many cases farmers do have a deep feeling for their land.
  [usu. in sing.] the situation affecting or relating to a particular person or thing; one's circumstances or position
• 情境;个人环境(或情况)
 »I'll make an exception in your case.
  an incident or set of circumstances under official investigation by the police
• 案件
 »a murder case.
2. an instance of a disease, injury, or problem
• 病例;伤例;个案例
 »200,000 cases of hepatitis B.
  a person suffering from a disease or injury
• 病人,患者
 »most breast cancer cases were older women.
  a person or their particular problem requiring or receiving medical or welfare attention
• (需要医疗或社会福利部门关注的)对象
 »the local social services discussed Gemma's case.
  [with adj. or noun modifier] [informal] a person whose situation is regarded as pitiable or as having no chance of improvement
[非正式] 可怜的人;无望改进的人
 »Vicky was a very sad case.
  (informal, dated)an amusing or eccentric person
[非正式,旧] 滑稽者;古怪人
3. a legal action, especially one to be decided in a court of law
• 诉讼案
 »a libel case.
 »a former employee brought the case against the council.
  a set of facts or arguments supporting one side in such a legal action
• (诉讼时的)证据;理由
 »the case for the defence.
  a legal action that has been decided and may be cited as a precedent
• 判例
  (也作 case stated)an agreed summary of the facts relating to a case, drawn up for review or decision on a point of law by a higher court
• 案情陈述;判案述要
  a set of facts or arguments supporting one side of a debate or controversy
• (辩论或论战中支持一方的)论据
 »the case against tobacco advertising.
4. [Grammar] any of the inflected forms of a noun, adjective, or pronoun that express the semantic relation of the word to other words in the sentence
 »the accusative case.
  [mass noun] such a relation whether indicated by inflection or not
• 格关系
 »English normally expresses case by the use of prepositions.
as the case may be
1. according to the circumstances (used when referring to two or more possible alternatives)
• 看情形,根据情况(用于两种或多种可能选择中)
 »the authorities will decide if they are satisfied or not satisfied, as the case may be.
be the case
1. be so
• 如此
in any case
1. whatever happens or may have happened
• 任何情况下
  used to confirm or support a point or idea just mentioned
• 无论如何,不管怎样
 »he wasn't allowed out yet, and in any case he wasn't well enough.
(just) in case
1. as a provision against something happening or being true
• 以防万一;免得
 »we put on thick jumpers, in case it was cold.
2. if it is true that
• 如果是真的;假使
 »in case you haven't figured it out, let me explain.
in case of
1. in the event of (a particular situation)
• 假如发生
 »instructions about what to do in case of fire.
in no case
1. under no circumstances
• 在任何情况下决不,无论如何都不
in that case
1. if that happens or has happened; if that is the situation
• 既然那样,假若是那样的话
 »‘I'm free this evening.’ ‘In that case, why not have dinner with me?’.
on (或 off) someone's case
1. [informal] continually (or no longer) criticizing or harassing someone
[非正式] 不断(或不再)批评(或搅扰)某人
 »teachers, you know, get on your case.
1. Middle English: from Old French cas, from Latin casus 'fall', related to cadere 'to fall'; in sense 4 directly from Latin, translating Greek ptōsis, literally 'fall'
1. a container designed to hold or protect something
• 盒;套;壳;罩;容器
 »a silver cigarette case.
  the outer protective covering of a natural or manufactured object
• 外壳
 »a seed case.
  [Brit.] an item of luggage; a suitcase
[英] 行李箱;手提箱
  a box containing twelve bottles of wine or other drink, sold as a unit
• (盛装一打酒的)箱子
 »a case of champagne.
  [Printing] a partitioned container for loose metal type
[印刷] 字盘,活字分格盘
  each of the two forms, capital or minuscule, in which a letter of the alphabet may be written or printed
• (字母的)大写形式;小写形式。
--› see upper case , lower case
verb, [with obj.] [一般作 be cased]
1. surround in a material or substance
• (用材料或物质)围绕;包盖
 »the towers are of steel cased in granite.
  enclose in a protective container
• 装入保护容器内
 »[as adj. cased] a cased pair of pistols.
2. [informal] reconnoitre (a place) before carrying out a robbery
[非正式] (抢掠前)探察(地方);踩点儿
 »I was casing the joint.
1. late Middle English: from Old French casse, chasse (modern caisse 'trunk, chest', châsse 'reliquary, frame'), from Latin capsa, related to capere 'to hold'
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