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时间: 2024-10-06 20:00:14



/ du: , du , dE , d /

(does ; past did ; past participle done )
1. [with obj.] perform (an action, the precise nature of which is often unspecified)
• 做,干(其行动的具体性质往往不明确)
 »something must be done about the city's traffic.
 »she knew what she was doing.
 »what can I do for you?
 »Brian was making eyes at the girl, and had been doing so for most of the hearing.
  perform (a particular task)
• 执行,履行(特定任务)
 »Dad always did the washing up on Sundays.
  work on (something) to bring it to completion or to a required state
• 完成;做好
 »it takes them longer to do their hair than me.
 »she's the secretary and does the publicity.
  make or have available and provide
• 供给;提供
 »he's doing bistro food.
 »many hotels don't do single rooms at all.
 »[with two objs] he decided to do her a pastel sketch of himself.
  solve; work out
• 解答;算出
 »Joe was doing sums aloud.
  cook (food) to completion or to a specified degree
• 烧好(食物)
 »if a knife inserted into the centre comes out clean, then your pie is done.
  (often in questions) work at for a living
[常用于问句] 从事(谋生的职业)
 »what does she do?
  learn or study; take as one's subject
• 学习;以…为专业
 »I'm doing English, German, and History.
  produce or give a performance of (a particular play, opera, etc.)
• 编排;表演(戏剧、歌剧等)
 »the Royal Shakespeare Company are doing Macbeth next month.
  perform (a particular role, song, etc.) or imitate (a particular person) in order to entertain people
• 扮演(角色);演唱(歌曲);模仿(某人)
 »he not only does Schwarzenegger and Groucho, he becomes them.
  [informal] take (a narcotic drug)
[非正式] 吸(毒)
 »he doesn't smoke, drink, or do drugs.
  attend to (someone)
• 护理;照顾(某人)
 »the barber said he'd do me next.
  (vulgar slang)have sexual intercourse with
[粗俚] 同…性交
  (do it)[informal] have sexual intercourse
[非正式] 性交
  (do it)[informal] urinate; defecate
[非正式] 大小便
2. [with obj.] achieve or complete, in particular
• 实现;完成,尤指
  travel (a specified distance)
• 行过;走过(一定距离)
 »one car I looked at had done 112,000 miles.
  travel at (a specified speed)
• (以一定速度)行驶;行进
 »I was speeding, doing seventy-five.
  make (a particular journey)
• 旅行
 »last time I did Oxford–york return by train it was £40.
  achieve (a specified sales figure)
• 达到(一定销售额)
 »our best-selling album did about a million worldwide.
  [informal] visit as a tourist, especially in a superficial or hurried way
[非正式] 游览;观光(尤指走马观花或匆忙地旅行)
 »the Americans are allotted only a day to do the Yorkshire Moors.
  spend (a specified period of time), typically in prison or in a particular occupation
• (尤指在监狱或某行业)度过(一段时间)
 »he did five years for manslaughter.
 »Peter has done thirteen years in the RAF.
  [no obj.] [informal] finish
[非正式] 完成
 »you must sit there and wait till I've done.
 »[with present participle] we've done arguing.
  (be done)be over
• 结束
 »the special formula continues to beautify your tan when the day is done.
  (be/have done with)give up concern for; have finished with
• 不再操心;完成,结束
 »I should sell the place and be done with it.
 »we have done with history.
3. [no obj., with adverbial] act or behave in a specified way
• (以特定方式)行动;行事
 »they are free to do as they please.
 »you did well to bring her back.
  make progress or perform in a specified way; get on
• 进行;完成;进展
 »when a team is doing badly, it's not easy for a new player to settle in.
 »Mrs Walters, how're you doing?
  [with obj. and complement] have a specified effect on
• 对…有特别效果
 »the walk will do me good.
  [with obj.] result in
• 导致;产生,带来…结果
 »the years of stagnation did a lot of harm to the younger generation.
4. [no obj.] be suitable or acceptable
• 合适的;可接受的
 »if he's anything like you, he'll do.
 »[with obj.] a couple of quid'll do me.
5. [with obj.] [informal] beat up; kill
[非正式] 痛打;杀死
 »one day I'll do him.
  [一般作 be done] ruin
• 毁掉
 »once you falter, you're done.
  rob (a place)
• 打劫(某处)
 »this would be an easy place to do and there was plenty of money lying around.
• 诈骗
 »a thousand pounds for one set of photographs—Jacqui had been done.
  一套照片要1,000英镑 —— 杰奎上当了。
6. [with obj.] [一般作 be/get done for] [Brit. informal] prosecute ; convict
[英,非正式] 起诉;宣告…有罪
 »we got done for conspiracy to cause GBH.
auxiliary verb
1. used before a verb (except be, can, may, ought, shall, will) in questions and negative statements
[构成疑问句或否定句,用于动词前(除be, can, may, ought, shall, will外)]
 »do you have any pets?
 »did he see me?
 »I don't smoke.
 »it does not matter.
  used to make tag questions
 »you write poetry, don't you?
 »I never seem to say the right thing, do I?
  used in negative commands
 »don't be silly.
 »do not forget.
2. used to refer back to a verb already mentioned
 »he looks better than he did before.
 »you wanted to enjoy yourself, and you did.
 »as they get smarter, so do the crooks.
3. used to give emphasis to a positive verb
 »I do want to act on this.
 »he did look tired.
  used in positive commands to give polite encouragement
 »do tell me!.
 »do sit down.
4. used with inversion of a subject and verb when an adverbial phrase begins a clause for emphasis
 »only rarely did they succumb.
 »not only did the play close, the theatre closed.
(pl. dos 或 do's)
1. (informal, chiefly Brit.)a party or other social event
[非正式,主英] 舞会;社交活动
 »the soccer club Christmas do.
2. (也作 'do)(informal, chiefly N. Amer.). short for hairdo
[非正式,主北美] hairdo 的简称
3. [Brit. archaic, informal] a swindle or hoax
[英,古,非正式] 诈骗;愚弄
be nothing to do with
1. be no business or concern of
• 不关…的事;不用…操心
 »it's my decision—it's nothing to do with you.
  be unconnected with
• 与…无关
 »he says his departure is nothing to do with the resignation calls.
be to do with
1. be concerned or connected with
• 与…有关;与…有联系
 »the problems are usually to do with family tension.
do a —
1. [informal] behave in a manner characteristic of (a specified person)
[非正式] (在举止行为上)模仿(某人)
 »he did a Garbo after his flop in the play.
do battle
1. enter into a conflict
• 开战,开始冲突
do one
1. [in imperative] [N. English informal] go away
[北英格兰,非正式] 走开
 »look, just do one, will you!.
do one's head (或 nut in 或 do one's head)
1. [Brit. informal] be extremely angry, worried, or agitated
[英,非正式] 暴怒;极其担心;极其激动
do the honours --› see honour
do someone/thing justice --› see justice
don't — me
1. [informal] do not use the word — to me
[非正式] 不要对我说…
 »“Don't morning me. Where the hell've you been all night?”.
do or die
1. persist, even if death is the result
• 不成功,毋宁死;决一死战
  used to describe a critical situation where one's actions may result in victory or defeat
• 关键时刻
 »the 72nd hole was do or die.
dos and don'ts
1. rules of behaviour
• 行为准则;须知
 »I have no knowledge of the political dos and don'ts.
do well for oneself
1. become successful or wealthy
• 变得成功;致富
do well out of
1. make a profit out of; benefit from
• 靠…赚钱;得益于
 »they're doing well out of scrap metal.
have got — to do with
1. be connected with (someone or something) to the extent specified
• 与(某人,某物)有多大关系
 »John's got nothing to do with that terrible murder.
  (have nothing to do with)have no contact or dealings with
• 与…没有联系;与…没有打交道
 »Billy and his father have had nothing to do with each other for nearly twenty years.
it isn't done
1. [Brit.] used to express the speaker's opinion that something contravenes custom, opinion, or propriety
[英] [用于表示说话人认为某事与习俗、舆论或礼节相悖] 不合适的,不可行的
 »in such a society it is not done to admit to taking religion seriously.
it won't do
1. used to express the speaker's opinion that someone's behaviour is unsatisfactory and cannot be allowed to continue
[用来表示说话人不满意某人的行为并认为不应再让其继续下去] 不行
 »Can't have that kind of talk—I've told you before, it won't do.
no you don't
1. [informal] used to indicate that one intends to prevent someone from doing what they were about to do
[非正式] (用于阻止某人的行为)别那样
 »Sharon went to get in the taxi. ‘Oh no you don't’, said Steve.
that does it!
1. [informal] used to indicate that one will not tolerate something any longer
[非正式] [用来表示某人再也不能容忍某事了] 够了!行了!
 »That does it! Let's go!.
that's done it!
1. [informal] used to express dismay or anger when something has gone wrong
[非正式] [用来表示出问题时的沮丧或愤怒] 完了!
1. Old English dōn, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch doen and German tun, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek tithēmi 'I place' and Latin facere 'make, do'
do away with
1. [informal] put an end to; remove
[非正式] 结束;去除
 »the desire to do away with racism.
• 杀死
 »he didn't have the courage to do away with her.
do by
1. [dated] treat or deal with in a specified way
[旧] (以某种方式)对待;对付
 »do as you would be done by.
 »she did well by them.
do someone/thing down
1. [Brit. informal] get the better of someone, typically in an underhand way
[英, 非正式] (多指用卑鄙手段)打败;压倒;制服;欺骗
  criticize someone or something
• 批评
 »they're always moaning and doing British industry down.
do for
1. [informal] defeat, ruin, or kill
[非正式] 击败;毁掉;杀死
 »without that contract we're done for.
 »it was the cold that did for him in the end.
2. [Brit. informal] do the cleaning for (a person or private household)
[英, 非正式] 为…做清洁工作
 »Florrie usually did for the Shermans in the mornings.
3. suffice for
• 满足,足够
 »a strip of white cotton about 20 yards long did for a fence.
do something (或 nothing ) for
1. [informal] enhance (or detract from) the appearance or quality of
[非正式] 改善(或有损于)外观;改进(或减损)质量
 »whatever the new forum does for industry, it certainly does something for the Minister.
 »that scarf does nothing for you.
do someone in
1. [informal] kill someone
[非正式] 杀死
  [一般作 be done in] [informal] tire someone out
[非正式] 使(某人)筋疲力尽
 »there was 1 minute 4 seconds to play and the Lions were done in.
do something in
1. [informal] injure something
[非正式] 损伤(某物)
 »I did my back in a few years ago.
do someone out of
1. [informal] deprive someone of (something) in an underhand or unfair way
[非正式] (以不光彩、不公平的手段)剥夺某人(的某物)
do something out
1. [Brit. informal] decorate or furnish a room or building in a particular style, colour, or material
[英,非正式] (用特定风格、色彩或材料)装修;布置
 »the basement is done out in limed oak.
do someone over
1. [Brit. informal] beat someone up
[英,非正式] 痛打
do something over
1. [Brit. informal] ransack a place, especially in the course of a search for something worth stealing
[英,非正式] (尤指为寻找贵重物品)洗劫
2. [informal] decorate or furnish a room or building
[非正式] 装修;布置
3. [N. Amer. informal] repeat something
[北美,非正式] 重复
 »to absorb the lesson, I had to do it over and over.
do up
1. be able to be fastened
• 扣上;系上
 »a shirt so tight that not all of the buttons did up.
do someone up
1. [一般作 be done up] dress someone up, especially in an elaborate or impressive way
• (尤指精心地或隆重地)打扮;装饰(某人)
 »Agnes was all done up in a slinky black number.
do something up
1. fasten something
• 系紧;系牢
 »she drew on her coat and did up the buttons.
  [一般作 be done up] arrange one's hair in a particular way, especially so as to be pulled back from one's face or shoulders
• 梳头
 »her dark hair was done up in a pony tail.
  wrap something up
• 包裹,包扎
 »unwieldy packs all done up with string.
2. [informal] renovate or redecorate a room or building
[非正式] 翻修;重新装修(房间,建筑物)
 »Mrs Hamilton did the place up for letting.
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