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时间: 2024-10-06 17:49:17



/ drC: /

(past drew ; past participle drawn ), [with obj.]
1. produce (a picture or diagram) by making lines and marks, especially with a pen or pencil, on paper
• (尤指用钢笔或铅笔)绘制(图画,图表),勾画,画(素描)
 »he drew a map.
  produce an image of (someone or something) in such a way
• (用钢笔或铅笔)给…画素描
 »I asked her to draw me.
 »[no obj.] you're at art college, you must be able to draw.
  trace or produce (a line or mark) on a surface
• (在表面)划(线),做(标记)
 »she drew a wavering line down the board.
 »where will we draw the outer boundaries of this Europe?
2. pull or drag (something such as a vehicle) so as to make it follow behind
• 拉,拖(车子等)
 »a cart drawn by two horses.
  [with obj. and adverbial of direction] pull or move (something) in a specified direction
• (朝某个方向)拉,移动
 »I drew back the blanket and uncovered the body.
  [with obj. and adverbial of direction] gently pull or guide (someone) in a specified direction
• (朝某个方向)轻拉,引导
 »‘David,’ she whispered, drawing him aside.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] move in a slow steady way
• (缓慢持续地)移动,行进
 »the driver slowed as he drew level with me.
 »the train drew in to the station.
  [no obj., with adverbial] come to or arrive at a point in time or a specified point in a process
• 到,临
 »the campaign drew to a close.
 »the time for the parade itself is drawing near.
  pull (curtains) shut or open
• (帷帘等)拉上;拉开
 »do you want me to draw the curtains?
 »she drew back the curtains and looked out.
  make (wire) by pulling a piece of metal through successively smaller holes
• 拉制(铁丝),拉拔;轧制,压延
3. extract (an object or liquid) from a container or receptacle
• 拔出,抽出,取出;汲取,抽(液体),使流出
 »he drew his gun and peered into the gloomy apartment.
 »a donkey wheel was built to draw water from the well.
 »he drew off a pint of bitter.
 »[as adj. drawn] he met them with a drawn sword.
  run (a bath)
• 把(浴缸)放满水
 »she drew him a hot bath.
  (draw something from)obtain something from (a particular source)
• )(从某处)获得,取得,得到
 »an independent panel of judges drawn from members of the public.
 »he draws inspiration from ordinary scenes and simple places.
  (draw on)use (one's experience, talents, or skills) as a resource
• 利用,动用,凭,靠(经验,才干,技能)
 »Sue has a lot of past experience to draw on.
  obtain or withdraw (money) from a bank or other source
• 提取(钱)
  [Hunting] search (cover) for game
[猎] 搜寻(猎物),把(猎物)逼出隐蔽处
  [Bridge] (of declarer) force the defenders to play (cards in a particular suit) by leading cards in that suit
[桥牌] 通出(牌),吊(牌)
 »before establishing his diamonds, declarer must draw trumps.
  [noobj.] suck smoke from (a cigarette or pipe)
• 吸烟
  [no obj.] (of a chimney, flue, or fire) allow air to flow in and upwards freely, so that a fire can burn
• (烟囱,烟道,火)通畅,通风
 »failure of a fire to draw properly can have a number of causes.
  take in (a breath)
• 吸(气)
 »Mrs Feather drew a long breath and let it out.
  [no obj.] (of tea) be left standing so that the flavour is extracted from the leaves
• (茶)被泡开,泡出味来
 »a pot of tea is allowed to draw.
• 挖出…的内脏
 »after a mockery of a trial he was hanged, drawn, and quartered.
4. be the cause of (a specified response)
• 引出,引起,激起
 »he drew criticism for his lavish spending.
  attract (someone) to come to a place or an event
• 引来,招引,吸引
 »you really drew the crowds with your playing.
 »customers drawn in by the reductions.
  [一般作 be drawn] induce (someone) to reveal or do something
• 使(某人)说出情况,引出
 »he refused to be drawn on what would happen if the two failed to reach agreement.
  direct or attract (someone's attention) to something
• 吸引(注意力)
 »it was an outrage and we had to draw people's attention to it.
  reach (a conclusion) by deduction or inference from a set of circumstances
• 推断出,作出,形成(结论)
 »the moral to be drawn is that spending wins votes.
  formulate or perceive (a comparison or distinction)
• 划清(界限),分清(不同)
 »the law drew a clear distinction between innocent and fraudulent misrepresentation.
5. finish (a contest or game) with an even score
• 以平局结束(比赛),赛成平局
 »[with obj. and complement] Brazil had drawn a stormy match 1–1.
 »[no obj., with complement] they drew 0–0 in 1974.
 »[as adj. drawn] a run of six drawn matches.
6. [Bowls] cause (a bowl) to travel in a curve determined by its bias to the desired point
[滚木球] 使(球)朝某一点作弧线运动
  [Golf] hit (the ball) so that it travels slightly to the left (for a left-handed player, the right), usually as a result of spin given to the ball
[高尔夫] 使(球)朝某一方向旋转
7. (of a ship) require (a specified depth of water) to float in
• (船)吃水
 »boats that draw only a few inches of water.
8. [no obj.] (of a sail) be filled with wind
• (帆)吃饱风
1. an act of selecting names randomly, typically by extracting them from a bag or other container, to match competitors in a sporting contest
• (决定比赛对手的)抽签
 »the draw has been made for this year's tournament.
  a raffle or lottery in which the winners are chosen in such a way
• 抽彩
 »their names were the first out of the hat in our prize draw.
2. a game or match that ends with the scores even
• 平局,不分胜负的比赛
 »he scored twice to force a 4–4 draw.
  [Cricket] a game which is left incomplete for lack of time, regardless of the scores
[板球] 在规定时间内未完成的比赛(比分不计)。
--› compare tie
3. a person or thing that is very attractive or interesting
• 十分有吸引力的人(或事物),非常有趣的人(或事物)
 »the big city was a powerful draw to youngsters.
4. an act of inhaling smoke from a cigarette
• 吸,抽烟
 »she took a long draw on her cigarette.
  [mass noun] [informal] cannabis
[非正式] 大麻
 »they're dropping Es and smoking draw.
5. an act of removing a gun from its holster in order to shoot
• 拔出手枪
6. [Golf] a shot causing the ball to deviate to the left (or, for a left-handed golfer, the right)
[高尔夫] 偏球
draw a bead on
--› see bead
draw a blank --› see blank
draw blood
1. cause someone to bleed, especially in the course of a fight
• (尤指打斗中)使流血,使出血
 »the blow drew blood from the corner of his mouth.
 »she knew she'd drawn blood when the smile faded from his face.
draw someone's fire
1. attract hostile criticism away from a more important target
• 吸引火力,代做靶子,招致批评(以转移批评方的注意力)
 »the concession will go some way to draw the fire of the government's critics.
draw the line at
1. set a limit of what one is willing to do or accept, beyond which one will not go
• 以…为最后界线,限制,拒绝
 »she drew the line at prostitution.
draw lots
1. 见lot
draw the short straw --› see straw
draw stumps
1. [Cricket] take the stumps out of the ground at close of play
[板球] 比赛结束时拔掉(三柱门的)门柱
quick on the draw
1. very fast in taking one's gun from its holster
• 拔枪出手快
  (figurative)very fast in acting or reacting
[喻] 行动(或反应)迅速
1. Old English dragan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch dragen and German tragen, also to draught
1. On the confusion of draw and drawer, see usage at drawer
draw back
1. choose not to do something that one was expected to do
• 缩回,后缩,后退
 »the government has drawn back from attempting reform.
draw in
1. (of successive days) become shorter because of the changing seasons
• (白昼)渐短
2. (of a day) approach its end
• (天)渐黑,接近黄昏
3. (of successive evenings or nights) start earlier because of the changing seasons
• (夜)渐长,(天)黑得早
 »the nights were drawing in fast.
draw on
1. (of a period of time) pass by and approach its end
• (时间)渐渐过去,消逝
 »he remembered sitting in silence with his grandmother as evening drew on.
draw something on
1. put an item of clothing on
• 穿上
 »he drew on his dressing gown.
draw out
1. (of successive days) become longer because of the changing seasons
• (白昼)渐长
draw someone out
1. gently or subtly persuade someone to talk or become more expansive
• 引(某人)开口(或畅谈)
 »she drew me out and flattered me.
draw something out
1. make something last longer
• 延长,使更长
 »the transition was long and drawn out.
draw up
1. come to a halt
• 停住,使停下来
 »drivers drew up at the lights.
draw something up
1. prepare a plan, proposal, agreement, or other document in detail
• 起草,制定,拟就,写出
 »they instructed an attorney to draw up a sales agreement.
draw oneself up
1. make oneself stand in a stiffly upright manner
• 站直,挺立身体
 »Sarah drew herself up, full of indignation that he should presume to judge her.
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