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时间: 2024-09-17 14:00:14



/ hi:t /

noun, [mass noun]
1. the quality of being hot; high temperature
• 热,高温
 »it is sensitive to both heat and cold.
  [Physics] heat seen as a form of energy arising from the random motion of the molecules of bodies, which may be transferred by conduction, convection, or radiation
[物理] 热,热能
  hot weather conditions
• 炎热天气
 »the oppressive heat was making both men sweat.
  a source or level of heat for cooking
• (煮饭烧菜等所需要的)热源;热度
 »remove from the heat and beat in the butter.
  a spicy quality in food that produces a burning sensation in the mouth
• 辣味
 »chilli peppers add taste and heat to food.
  (technical)the amount of heat that is needed to cause a specific process or is evolved in such a process
[技] 热量
 »the heat of formation.
  [count noun] (technical)a single operation of heating something, especially metal in a furnace
[技] (尤指在熔炉中熔炼金属时的)单次熔炼,一次熔炼
2. intensity of feeling, especially of anger or excitement
• 愤怒;激动;强烈的情绪
 »conciliation services are designed to take the heat out of disputes.
  (the heat)[informal] intensive and unwelcome pressure or criticism, especially from the authorities
[非正式] (尤指源于官方的)紧张感(或责难)
 »a flurry of legal proceedings turned up the heat in the dispute.
 »the heat is on.
3. [count noun] a preliminary round in a race or contest
• 预赛
 »winners of the regional heats.
1. make or become hot or warm
• (使)变热,(使)变暖
 »[with obj.] the room faces north and is difficult to heat.
 »[no obj.] the pipes expand as they heat up.
  [no obj.] (heat up)(of a person) become excited or impassioned
• (人)激动起来;充满激情
  [no obj.] (heat up)become more intense and exciting
• 加剧,激烈起来,激化
 »the action really begins to heat up.
  [with obj.] (archaic)inflame; excite
[古] 激起;使激动
 »this discourse had heated them.
if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
1. (proverb)if you can't deal with the pressures and difficulties of a situation or task, you should leave others to deal with it rather than complaining
[谚] 怕热,就别呆在厨房里(意指倘若无法应对压力和困难就应让别人去处理,而不是抱怨)
in the heat of the moment
1. while temporarily angry, excited, or engrossed, and without stopping for thought
• 一时冲动之下;盛怒之下;一时性起
on (或美
1. (of a female mammal) in the receptive period of the sexual cycle; in oestrus
• (雌性哺乳动物)在发情期中;发情
1. Old English hǣtu (noun), hǣtan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hitte (noun) and German heizen (verb), also to hot
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