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时间: 2024-10-07 00:53:19



/ ɡAs /

(pl. gases 或主美 gasses), [mass noun]
1. an air-like fluid substance which expands freely to fill any space available, irrespective of its quantity
• 气,气体
 »hot balls of gas that become stars.
 »[count noun] poisonous gases.
  [Physics] a substance of this type that cannot be liquefied by the application of pressure alone
[物理] 仅靠压力无法液化的气体物质。
--› compare vapour
  a flammable substance of this type used as a fuel
• 可燃气体,气体燃料
  a gaseous anaesthetic such as nitrous oxide, used in dentistry
• 麻醉气(如用于牙科的一氧化二氮)
  gas or vapour used as a poisonous agent to kill or disable an enemy in warfare
• (战争中使敌人丧生或致残的)毒气
  (chieflyN. Amer.)gas generated in the alimentary canal; flatulence
[主北美] 胃气,肠气
  [Mining] an explosive mixture of firedamp with air
[矿] 瓦斯
2. [N. Amer. informal] . short for gasoline
[北美, 非正式] gasoline 的简称
3. (a gas)[informal] a person or thing that is entertaining or amusing
[非正式] 令人愉快的人(或事)
 »the party would be a gas.
  [mass noun] [Irish] enjoyment, amusement, or fun
[爱尔兰] 快乐;娱乐;乐趣
 »it was great gas in the club last night.
(gases, gassed, gassing), [with obj.]
1. attack with or expose to gas
• 用(或受)毒气袭击
 »my son was gassed at Verdun.
  kill by exposure to gas
• 被(毒气)毒死
 »a mother and her children were found gassed in their car.
  [no obj.] (of a storage battery or dry cell) give off gas
• (蓄电池,干电池)放出气体
2. [N. Amer. informal] fill the tank of (a motor vehicle) with petrol
[北美,非正式] (将汽车油箱)加满汽油
 »after gassing up the car, he went into the restaurant.
3. [no obj.] [informal] talk, especially excessively, idly, or boastfully
[非正式] 啰嗦,闲谈;吹牛
 »I thought you'd never stop gassing.
1. [Irish informal] very amusing or entertaining
[爱尔兰,非正式] 非常有趣的;逗乐的
 »Ruthie, that's gas—you're a gem.
run out of gas
1. [N. Amer. informal] run out of energy; lose momentum
[北美,非正式] 没有能量;缺少动力
step on the gas
1. [N. Amer. informal] press on the accelerator to make a car go faster
[北美,非正式] 踩油门加速
1. mid 17th cent.: invented by J. B. van Helmont (1577–1644), Belgian chemist, to denote an occult principle which he believed to exist in all matter; suggested by Greek khaos 'chaos', with Dutch g representing Greek kh
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