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时间: 2024-09-20 01:03:12



/ 5betE /

1. more desirable, satisfactory, or effective. good
• 更好的;更合意的;更令人满意的;更有效的
 »hoping for better weather.
 »the new facilities were far better.
 »I'm better at doing sums than Alice.
  more appropriate, advantageous, or well advised
• 更合适的;更有利的;更稳妥的
 »there couldn't be a better time to take up this job.
 »it might be better to borrow the money.
2. [predic.or as complement] partly or fully recovered from illness, or injury. well
• 康复的,好转的
 »his leg was getting better.
 »henry will be completely better after some rest.
  fitter and healthier; less unwell
• 更健康的;(身体)好受一些的
 »we'll feel a lot better after a decent night's sleep.
1. more excellently or effectively
• 更好地;更有效地
 »Jonathon could do better if he tried.
 »sound travels better in water than in air.
 »instruments are generally better made these days.
  to a greater degree; more (used in connection with success or with desirable actions or conditions)
• 在更大程度上;更(指成功或理想的行动、条件等方面)
 »I liked it better when we lived in the country.
 »you may find alternatives that suit you better.
 »well-fed people are better able to fight off infection.
  more suitably, appropriately, usefully
• 更合适地;更有用地
 »the money could be better spent on more urgent cases.
1. [mass noun] the better one; that which is better
• 较好者,更好者
 »the Natural History Museum book is by far the better of the two.
 »you've a right to expect better than that.
 »a change for the better.
2. (one's betters)(chiefly dated or humorous)one's superiors in social class or ability
[主旧 或幽默] 上司们;比自己能力强的人
 »educating the young to respect their elders and betters.
1. [with obj.] improve on or surpass (an existing or previous level or achievement)
• 提高,超过(现有或以前的水平或成绩)
 »his account can hardly be bettered.
 »bettering his previous time by ten minutes.
  make (something) better; improve
• 使更好;改善
 »his ideas for bettering the lot of the millhands.
  (better oneself)achieve a higher social position or status
• 取得更高社会地位
 »the residents are mostly Londoners who have bettered themselves.
  overcome or defeat (someone)
• 战胜(某人)
 »she had almost bettered him at archery.
the — the better
1. used to emphasize the importance or desirability of the quality or thing specified
• 越…越好
 »the sooner we're off the better.
better the devil you know than the devil you don't know
1. (proverb)it's wiser to deal with an undesirable but familiar person or situation than to risk a change that might lead to a situation with worse difficulties or a person whose faults you have yet to discover
[谚] (待人处世)做生不如做熟;宁与熟悉的坏人打交道,不与不知其底细者相处
better off
1. in a more desirable or advantageous position, especially in financial terms
• (尤指经济情况)比以前好,比以前宽裕
 »the proposals would make her about £40 a year better off.
the better part of
1. almost all of; most of
• 几乎所有的;大部分
 »it is the better part of a mile.
better safe than sorry
1. (proverb)it's wiser to be cautious and careful than to be hasty or rash and so do something you may later regret
[谚] 谨言慎行不吃亏,轻率莽撞必后悔
better than
1. [N. Amer.] more than
[北美] 多于,超过
 »he'd lived there for better than twenty years.
the better to —
1. so as to —— better
• 为了更好地…
 »he leaned closer the better to hear her.
for better or (for) worse
1. whether the outcome is good or bad
• 无论结果是好是坏
get the better of
1. (of a person) gain an advantage over or defeat (someone) by superior strength or ability
• 取得对(某人)的优势;占(某人)的上风;击败(或胜过)…
 »no one has ever got the better of her yet.
  (of a feeling or urge) be too strong to conceal or resist
• (感情或冲动)难以掩饰,难以克制
 »curiosity got the better of her.
go one better
1. narrowly surpass a previous effort or achievement
• 稍好,稍有提高
 »I want to go one better this time and score.
  narrowly outdo (another person)
• 险胜(某人)
had better do something
1. would find it wiser to do something; ought to do something
• 最好做某事;应该做某事
 »you had better be careful.
have the better of
1. be more successful in (a contest)
• 在(比赛)中占上风
 »Attlee had the better of these exchanges.
no (或 little) better than
1. just (or almost) the same as (something bad); merely
• 与…如一丘之貉,半斤对八两
 »viceroys who were often no better than bandits.
no better than one should (或 ought to) be
1. perceived as sexually promiscuous or of doubtful moral character
• 被认为有多个性伴侣的,乱交的;被认为道德品质有问题的
1. Old English betera (adjective), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch beter and German besser, also to best
1. In the verb phrase had better do something the word had acts like an auxiliary verb and in informal spoken contexts it is often dropped, as in you better not come tonight In writing, the had may be contracted to 'd but it should not be dropped altogether
1. variant spelling of bettor
• 同 bettor
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