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时间: 2024-09-19 11:51:13



/ 5bQtEflai /

(pl. -flies)
1. an insect with two pairs of large wings that are covered with microscopic scales, typically brightly coloured and held erect when at rest. Butterflies fly by day, have clubbed or dilated antennae, and typically feed on nectar
• 蝴蝶
2. Superfamilies Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea, order Lepidoptera: several families. Formerly placed in a grouping known as the Rhopalocera
• 凤蝶总科及弄蝶总科,鳞翅目:数科。旧时归为锤角亚目
  a showy or frivolous person
• 举止轻浮的人
 »a social butterfly.
  (butterflies)[informal] a fluttering and nauseous sensation felt in the stomach when one is nervous
[非正式] (紧张引起的)欲呕感
  [insing.] a stroke in swimming in which both arms are raised out of the water and lifted forwards together
• 蝶泳
  [as modifier] having a two-lobed shape resembling the spread wings of a butterfly
• 蝴蝶状
 »a butterfly clip.
(-flies, -flied)
1. [with obj.] split (a piece of meat) almost in two and spread it out flat
• (肉块)切开摊平
 »[as adj. butterflied] butterflied shrimp.
1. Old English , from butter + fly; perhaps from the cream or yellow colour of common species, or from an old belief that the insects stole butter
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