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时间: 2024-09-19 11:30:15



/ kAtF /

(past and past participle caught ), [with obj.]
1. intercept and hold (something which has been thrown, propelled, or dropped)
• 截住,拿住(抛掷物、推来物或下落物)
 »she threw the bottle into the air and caught it again.
  intercept the fall of (someone)
• 接住(掉下的人)
  seize or take hold of
• 捉住;逮住
 »he caught hold of her arm as she tried to push past him.
  [no obj.] (catch at)grasp or try to grasp
• 抓住或试图抓住
 »his hands caught at her arms as she tried to turn away.
  [Cricket] [常作 be caught] dismiss (a batsman) by catching the ball before it touches the ground
[板球] (球落地前将其抓住从而使击球手)出局
2. capture (a person or animal that tries or would try to escape)
• 捕获(试图逃跑的人或动物)
 »we hadn't caught a single rabbit.
  succeed in reaching a person who is ahead of one
• 追上,赶上(前面的人)
  [no obj., with adverbial of place] (of an object) accidentally become entangled or trapped in something
• 意外地被缠住(或绊住)
 »a button caught in her hair.
  [with obj. and adverbial of place] (of a person) have (a part of one's body or clothing) become entangled or trapped in something
• (人身体一部分或衣服)被缠住(或绊住)
 »she caught her foot in the bedspread.
 »companies face increased risks of being caught in a downward spiral.
  [with obj. and adverbial of place] [一般作 be caught] fix or fasten in place
• 固定,系牢
 »her hair was caught back in a chignon.
3. reach in time and board (a train, bus, or aircraft)
• 赶上(火车、汽车或飞机)
 »they caught the 12.15 from Oxford.
  reach or be in a place in time to see (a person, performance, programme, etc.)
• 赶上看(某人、演出、节目等)
 »she was hurrying downstairs to catch the news.
  come upon (someone) unexpectedly
• 不期然遇上(某人)
 »unexpected snow caught us by surprise.
  (be caught in)(of a person) unexpectedly find oneself in (an unwelcome situation)
• (人)不意身陷(不佳境地),遭遇
 »my sister was caught in a thunderstorm.
  (catch it)[informal] be punished or told off
[非正式] 受惩罚,被斥责
  [常作 be caught] surprise (someone) in an incriminating situation or in the act of doing something wrong
• 撞见(某人)犯罪(或做错事)
 »he was caught with bomb-making equipment in his home.
4. engage (a person's interest or imagination)
• 吸引(某人的兴趣),激发(某人的想像)
  perceive fleetingly
• 瞥,瞅
 »she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror.
  hear or understand (something said), especially with effort
• (尤指努力)听清楚,理解
 »he bellowed something Jess couldn't catch.
  [N. Amer. informal] attend or watch (a performance)
[北美,非正式] 出席,观看(演出)
 »we'll get some burgers and catch a movie.
  succeed in evoking or representing
• 唤起;表现
 »the programme caught something of the flavour of Minoan culture.
5. [with obj. and adverbial of place] strike (someone) on a part of the body
• 击打(人体部位)
 »Ben caught him on the chin with an uppercut.
  accidentally strike (a part of one's body) against something
• (身体部位)意外撞上
 »she fell and caught her head on the corner of the hearth.
6. contract (an illness) through infection or contagion
• 感染(疾病)
7. [no obj.] become ignited, due to contact with flame, and start burning
• 起火,着火
 »the rafters have caught.
  (of an engine) fire and start running
• (引擎)发动;点火
1. an act of catching something, typically a ball
• 接住,截住(某物,尤指球)
  [Cricket] a chance or act of catching the ball to dismiss a batsman
[板球] 抓球,接球(以使击球手出局的)机会或动作
 »he took a brilliant catch at deep square leg.
  [mass noun] a game in which a ball is thrown back and forth between two or more players
• (两人或以两人以上的)传球游戏
  an amount of fish caught
• 鱼的捕获量
 »the UK's North Sea haddock catch.
  [in sing.] [informal] a person considered attractive or prestigious and so desirable as a partner or spouse
[非正式] 合意的人;值得的伙伴;中意的婚配对象
 »Giles is a good catch for any girl.
2. a device for securing something such as a door, window, or box
• (门、窗或箱的)固定装置,门闩,窗钩,箱扣
 »the window catch was rusty.
3. a hidden problem or disadvantage in an apparently ideal situation
• (表面理想情况中的)潜在问题,不利因素;隐患,圈套
 »there's a catch in it somewhere.
4. [in sing.] an unevenness in a person's voice caused by emotion
• (因情绪而导致的声音)哽塞
 »there was a catch in Anne's voice.
5. [Music] a round, typically one with words arranged to produce a humorous effect
[乐] (尤指为达到幽默效果的)轮唱片段
catch someone napping
--› see nap
be caught short --› see short
catch at straws --› see straw
catch one's breath
1. draw one's breath in sharply as a reaction to an emotion
• (激动得)停止呼吸;屏息
2. recover one's breath after exertion
• 缓口气,歇口气
catch one's death (of cold) --› see death
catch someone's eye
1. be noticed by someone
• 被看到
 »a vase on a side table caught his eye.
2. attract someone's attention by making eye contact with them
• (用眼神)吸引某人的注意
 »he caught Eva's eye and beckoned.
catch fire (或 light)
1. become ignited and burn
• 着火,燃烧
catch someone in the cat --› see act
catch light --› see catch fire
catch the light
1. shine or glint in the light
• (在光线中)发光,闪光
catch sight of
1. suddenly notice; glimpse
• 撞见;瞥见
catch the sun
1. be in a sunny position
• 向阳的
 »a glassed-in porch that caught the sun.
2. [Brit.] become tanned or sunburnt
[英] 晒黑;晒焦
you wouldn't catch — doing something
1. [informal] used to indicate that there is no possibility of the person mentioned doing what is specified
[非正式] 不可能做某事
 »you wouldn't catch me walking back to the house alone at night.
catchable adjective
1. Middle English (also in the sense 'chase'): from Anglo-Norman French and Old Northern French cachier, variant of Old French chacier, based on Latin captare 'try to catch', from capere 'take'
catch on
[informal 非正式]
1. (of a practice or fashion) become popular
• (做法,时装款式)流行;风行
 »the idea of linking pay to performance has caught on.
2. understand what is meant or how to do something
• 理解,明白
 »I caught on to what it was the guy was saying.
  (catch yourself on)[Irish] become aware of something
[爱尔兰] 留神点儿;想想吧
 »catch yourself on, Michael, people don't get arrested for no reason.
catch someone out
1. [Brit.] detect that someone has done something wrong or made a mistake
[英] 发现某人做坏事(或犯错误)
 »his tone suggested he'd caught her out in some misdemeanour.
  [常作 be caught out] put someone in a difficult situation for which they are unprepared
• 使某人处于措手不及的困境
 »you might get caught out by the weather.
  [Cricket] dismiss a batsman by catching the ball before it touches the ground
[板球] 空中截球以使击球手出局
catch up
1. succeed in reaching a person who is ahead of one
• 赶上,追上
 »O'Hara caught up with Stella at the bottom of the hill.
  do work or other tasks which one should have done earlier
• 赶做(早该完成的工作)
 »he normally used the afternoons to catch up on paperwork.
catch up with
1. talk to (someone) whom one has not seen for some time in order to find out what they have been doing in the interim
• 与(有段时间未曾相见的人)交谈(以了解其在这段时间里做了什么)
2. begin to have a damaging effect on
• 开始产生破坏性影响
 »the physical exertions began to catch up with Sue.
catch someone up
1. succeed in reaching a person who is ahead of one
• 赶上,追上
2. (be/get caught up in)become involved in (something that one had not intended to become involved in)
• 被卷入
 »he had no desire to be caught up in political activities.
catch something up
1. pick something up hurriedly
• 慌忙拾起某物
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