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时间: 2024-09-20 01:04:38




1. the upper part of the human body, or the front or upper part of the body of an animal, typically separated from the rest of the body by a neck, and containing the brain, mouth, and sense organs
• 头,头部
  (the head)regarded as the location of intellect, imagination, and memory
• (包括智能、想像力和记忆力的)头脑
 »whatever comes into my head.
  (head for)an aptitude for or tolerance of
• 头脑;天赋;能耐
 »she had a good head for business.
 »a head for heights.
  [informal] a headache, especially one resulting from intoxication
[非正式] (尤指醉酒后引起的)头痛
  the height or length of a head as a measure
• 一头高
 »he was beaten by a head.
  (heads)the side of a coin bearing the image of a head (used when tossing a coin to determine a winner)
• (用于抛硬币决定输赢的)头像面,(硬币的)正面
 »heads or tails?
  the antlers of a deer
• 鹿角
2. a thing having the appearance of a head either in form or in relation to a whole, in particular
• (在外形上或就在整体中所占的部位而言)头,尤指
  the cutting, striking, or operational end of a tool, weapon, or mechanism
• (工具、武器、机械装置的切削端、打击端或操作端)端头
  the flattened or knobbed end of a nail, pin, screw, or match
• 钉头,大头针头,螺帽,火柴头
  the ornamented top of a pillar or column
• 柱头
  a compact mass of leaves or flowers at the top of a stem, especially a capitulum
• 花冠,头状花序
 »huge heads of fluffy cream flowers.
  the edible leafy part at the top of the stem of such green vegetables as cabbage and lettuce
• (甘蓝莴苣茎梗顶端的)叶球、子实
  one saleable unit of certain vegetables, such as cabbage or celery
• (甘蓝、芹菜等绿色蔬菜出售时的计量单位)头,颗
3. the front, forward, or upper part or end of something, in particular
• 头部,前部,顶部,尤指
  the upper end of a table or bed
• 桌子的上首座位;床头
 »he sat down at the head of the cot.
  the upper horizontal part of a window frame or door frame
• 窗门棂,楹
  the flat end of a cask or drum
• 桶底;鼓面
  the front of a queue or procession
• (行列或队伍的)前头
  the top of a page
• (纸)页头
  short for headline
• headline 的简称
  the top of a flight of stairs or steps
• 楼梯顶
  the source of a river or stream
• (河流的)源头
  the end of a lake or inlet at which a river enters
• 河口
  [usu. in place names] a promontory
• 岬(角)
 »Beachy Head.
  the top of a ship's mast
• 船桅头
  the bows of a ship
• 船头
  the fully developed top of a boil or spot
• 脓头,疣头
  the foam on top of a glass of beer, or the cream on the top of milk
• 啤酒泡沫,挂杯泡沫;奶皮
  short for cylinder head
• cylinder head 的简称
4. a person in charge of something; a director or leader
• 头儿,首领,领袖
 »the head of the Dutch Catholic Church.
  [Brit.] . short for headmaster, headmistress, or head teacher
[英] headmaster, headmistress,或 head teacher 的简称
5. [Grammar] the word that governs all the other words in a phrase in which it is used, having the same grammatical function as the whole phrase
[语法] 中心词(短语中支配其他一切词的词,具有与整个短语相同的功能),主导词
6. a person considered as a numerical unit
 »they paid fifty pounds a head.
  [treated as pl.] a number of cattle or game as specified
 »seventy head of dairy cattle.
7. a component in an audio, video, or information system by which information is transferred from an electrical signal to the recording medium, or vice versa
• 磁头
  the part of a record player that holds the playing cartridge and stylus
• 唱头,放音头
  short for printhead
• printhead 的简称
8. a body of water kept at a particular height in order to provide a supply at sufficient pressure
• 蓄水高度,水头
 »an 8 m head of water in the shafts.
  the pressure exerted by such water or by a confined body of steam
• 液压;水压;蒸气压力
 »a good head of steam on the gauge.
9. [Nautical slang] a toilet, especially on a ship
[海俚] (船上的)厕所
10. [mass noun] [Geology] a superficial deposit of rock fragments, formed at the edge of an ice sheet by repeated freezing and thawing and then moved downhill
[地质] (冰川边)岩礁
1. [attrib.] chief ; principal
• 领头的,负责的
 »the head waiter.
verb, [with obj.]
1. be in the leading position on
• 率领,领导
 »the St George's Day procession was headed by the mayor.
  be in charge of
• 负责
 »an organizational unit headed by a line manager.
 »she headed up the Jubilee Year programme.
2. [一般作 be headed] give a title or caption to
• 加标题;加图片说明
 »an article headed ‘The Protection of Human Life’.
  [as adj. headed] having a printed heading, typically the name and address of a person or organization
• 有抬头的
 »headed notepaper.
3. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (也作 主美be headed)move in a specified direction
• 朝某一方向行进,走向
 »he was heading for the exit.
 »we were headed in the wrong direction.
  (head for)appear to be moving inevitably towards (something, especially something undesirable)
• 向(某物,尤指不良状态)演变(或发展)
 »the economy is heading for recession.
  [with obj. and adverbial of direction] direct or steer in a specified direction
• 使向…方向行进;使驶往
 »she headed the car towards them.
4. [Soccer] shoot or pass (the ball) with the head
[英足] 用头顶(球)
 »a corner kick that he headed into the net.
5. lop off the upper part or branches of (a plant or tree)
• 砍(植物或树木的)枝
6. [no obj.] (of a lettuce or cabbage) form a head
• (莴苣,卷心菜)长成兜
be banging (或 knocking) one's head against a brick wall
1. be doggedly attempting the impossible and suffering in the process
• 硬做不可能成功的事;劳而无功
bang (或 knock) people's heads together
1. reprimand people severely, especially in an attempt to stop them arguing
• (尤指阻止争吵时)严厉斥责争吵者
be hanging over someone's head
1. (of something unpleasant) threaten to affect someone at any moment
• (不愉快之事)随时威胁
be on someone's own head
1. be someone's sole responsibility
• (应)由某人负全责
bite (或 snap) someone's head off
1. reply sharply and brusquely to someone
• 抢白
by the head
1. [Nautical] (of a boat or ship) deeper in the water forward than astern
[航海] (船)船首比船尾吃水深
 »the Boy Andrew went down by the head.
come to a head
1. reach a crisis
• 发展到危急关头
 »the violence came to a head with the deaths of six youths.
do someone's head in
1. [Brit. informal] cause someone to feel annoyed, confused, or frustrated
[英,非正式] 使生气,使糊涂,使气恼
enter someone's head
1. [usu. with negative] occur to someone
• 被某人想到(或想起)
 »such an idea never entered my head.
from head to toe (或 foot)
1. all over one's body
• 从头到脚,全身
 »I was shaking from head to toe.
get one's head down
Brit. informal
1. sleep
• 睡觉
2. concentrate on the task in hand
• 聚精会神地做手头的工作
get one's head round (或 around)
1. [usu. with negative] [informal] understand or come to terms with something
[非正式] 搞明白;想通(不快或不幸之事)
 »I just can't get my head around this idea.
give someone his(或 her) head
1. allow someone complete freedom of action
• 让…放手干
give someone head
1. (vulgar slang)perform oral sex on someone
[粗俚] 对某人行口交,与某人口交
go to someone's head
1. (of alcohol) make someone dizzy or slightly drunk
• (酒)使某人眩晕(或微醉)
  (of success) make someone conceited
• (成功)使某人冲昏头脑
get something into one's (或 someone's) head
1. come (or cause someone) to realize or understand
• (使)意识到;明白
 »when will you get it into your head that it's the project that counts not me?
hang one's head in shame
1. be deeply ashamed
• 极度羞愧
head of hair
1. the hair on a person's head, regarded in terms of its appearance or quantity
• (一头)头发(就其外观和数量而言)
 »he had a fine head of hair.
head and shoulders above
1. [informal] by far superior to
[非正式] 远远优于,大大胜过
—— one's head off
1. talk, laugh, etc. unrestrainedly
• 放纵(或尽情)地(谈、笑等)
 »he was drunk as a newt and singing his head off.
head over heels
1. turning over completely in forward motion, as in a somersault
• (翻筋斗等时的)向前滚翻
2. (也作 head over heels in love)madly in love
• 爱得神魂颠倒的
 »I immediately fell head over heels for Don.
a head start
1. an advantage granted or gained at the beginning of something
• 优势;有利条件
 »our fine traditions give us a head start on the competition.
heads I win, tails you lose
1. I win whatever happens
• 我赢定了;横竖都是我赢
heads will roll
1. people will be dismissed or forced to resign
• 有人将被辞退(或被迫辞职)
hold (或 put) a gun(或 a pistol) to someone's head
1. force someone to do something by using threats
• 威吓某人,威胁某人
hold up one's head (或 hold one's head high)
1. be confident or unashamed
• 充满信心;无所愧疚
 »under the circumstances I would find it impossible to hold my head up in the town.
in one's head
1. by mental process without use of physical aids
• 在脑中想好了的,胸有成竹的
 »the piece he'd already written in his head.
keep one's head
1. remain calm
• 保持冷静
keep one's head above water
1. avoid succumbing to difficulties, typically debt
• 勉强度日(尤指在经济拮据时不借债度日);(在困境中)奋力求生
keep one's head down
1. remain inconspicuous in difficult or dangerous times
• (在困难或危险时)避免引人注意
knock something on the head
1. dismiss an idea, project, or rumour once and for all
• 打消(念头,计划);(对传闻)不予置理
lose one's head
1. lose self-control; panic
• 失去自制力;惊惶失措
make head or tail of
1. [usu. with negative] understand at all
• 明白,理解
 »we couldn't make head nor tail of the answer.
off (或 out of) one's head
1. [informal] crazy
[非正式] 疯疯颠颠;神志不清
 »my old man's going off his head, you know.
  extremely drunk or severely under the influence of drugs
• 烂醉如泥,吸毒成瘾
off the top of one's head
1. without careful thought or investigation
• 不加考虑的;不加深究的
over someone's head
1. beyond someone's ability to understand
• 不能理解的
 »the discussion was over my head, I'm afraid.
2. without someone's knowledge or involvement, especially when they have a right to it
• (尤指某人有知情权或有权参与但)不让某人知情(或参与)地;背着某人地
 »the deal was struck over the heads of the regions concerned.
  with disregard for someone else's (stronger) claim
• 不顾他人地;越权地
 »his promotion over the heads of more senior colleagues.
put their (或 our, your) heads together
1. consult and work together
• 群策群力;共同努力
 »they forced the major banks to put their heads together to sort it out.
put something into someone's head
1. suggest something to someone
• 建议
 »who's been putting ideas into your head?
standing on one's head
1. with no difficulty at all
• 不费吹灰之力
 »I could design this garden standing on my head.
stand (或 turn) something on its head
1. completely reverse the principles or interpretation of an idea or argument
• 完全推翻
take it into one's head to do something
1. impetuously decide to do something
• 鲁莽行事
turn someone's head
1. make someone conceited
• 冲昏了头脑
turn heads
1. attract a great deal of attention or interest
• 引人注目
 »she recently turned heads with a nude scene.
headed adjective
1. [in combination]
 »bald-headed men.
 »woolly-headed New Age thinking.
headless adjective
1. Old English hēafod, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hoofd and German Haupt
head someone/thing off
1. intercept and turn aside
• 拦住并引开某人(或某物)
 »he ran up the road to head off approaching cars.
• 防…于未然,预防
 »they headed off a row by ordering further study of both plans.
head up
1. [Sailing] steer towards the wind
[航海] 迎风行驶
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