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时间: 2024-10-06 18:45:37



/ frCɡ /

1. a tailless amphibian with a short squat body, moist smooth skin, and very long hind legs for leaping
• 蛙
2. Frogs are found in most families of the order Anura, but the ‘true frogs’ are confined to the large family Ranidae, which includes the European common frog [Rana temporaria]
• 蛙类动物可见于无尾目中的众多科;但真正意义上的蛙类动物仅限于含多属的赤蛙科,其中包括欧洲林蛙(拉丁名Rana temporaria)
  [informal] a person regarded as repulsive in character or appearance
[非正式] (性格,外貌)令人讨厌的人
3. [Frog] [derogatory] a French person
[贬] 法国佬
have a frog in one's throat
1. [informal] lose one's voice or find it hard to speak because of hoarseness
[非正式] (因嗓音嘶哑)失声;很难发声
1. Old English frogga, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vors and German Frosch. Used as a general term of abuse in Middle English, the term was applied specifically to the Dutch in the 17th cent.; its application to the French (late 18th cent.) is partly alliterative, partly from the reputation of the French for eating frogs' legs
1. a thing used to hold or fasten something, in particular
• 支撑(或系紧)某物的东西,尤指
  an ornamental coat fastener or braid consisting of a spindle-shaped button and a loop through which it passes
• (外套的纺锤状)装饰纽扣(或装饰缏)
  an attachment to a belt for holding a sword, bayonet, or similar weapon
• (腰带上挂剑、刺刀或类似武器的)搭环
  a perforated or spiked device for holding the stems of flowers in an arrangement
• 花插(插花用的底座)
  the piece into which the hair is fitted at the lower end of the bow of a stringed instrument
• (弦乐器的)弓根,马尾箱
  a grooved metal plate for guiding the wheels of a railway vehicle at an intersection
• 辙叉(铁路交叉路口引导火车车轮走向的凹槽金属板),岔心
frogging noun
1. early 18th cent.: perhaps a use of frog, influenced by synonymous Italian forchetta or French fourchette 'small fork', because of the shape
1. an elastic horny pad growing in the sole of a horse's hoof, helping to absorb the shock when the hoof hits the ground
• 蹄楔
  a raised or swollen area on a surface
• (平面上的)隆起部分;肿块
1. early 17th cent.: perhaps from frog
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