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时间: 2024-10-06 16:42:49



/ haus /

1. a building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people and consists of a ground floor and one or more upper storeys
• 房屋
  the people living in such a building; a household
• 住在一栋房屋里的人;一家人
 »make yourself scarce before you wake the whole house.
  [常作 House] a family or family lineage, especially a noble or royal one; a dynasty
• (尤指贵族或皇室的)家庭,家庭血统;王朝
 »the power and prestige of the house of Stewart.
  (chiefly Scottish)a dwelling that is one of several in a building
[主苏格兰] (一栋建筑物其中的)一处住处
  [with modifier] a building in which animals live or in which things are kept
• 动物居所;储藏房
 »a hen house.
2. a building in which people meet for a particular activity
• (为一特定的活动而聚集的)场所,…屋
 »a house of prayer.
  a firm or institution
• 公司,商号;公共机构
 »a fashion house.
  (the House)[Brit. informal] the Stock Exchange
[英,非正式] 证券交易所
  a restaurant or inn
• 饭店;客栈
 »[as modifier] a carafe of house red.
  a host or proprietor
• 主人;经营者
 »help yourself to a drink, compliments of the house!.
  [dated] a brothel
[旧] 窑子,妓院
  a theatre
• 戏院,剧院
 »a hundred musicians performed in front of a full house.
  an audience in a theatre, cinema, or concert venue
• (戏院、电影院或音乐会的)观众
 »the house burst into applause.
  [Brit.] a performance in a theatre or cinema
[英] (戏院、电影院的)表演
 »tickets for the first house.
3. a religious community that occupies a particular building
• (在一特定房屋的)宗教团体
 »the Cistercian house at Clairvaux.
  (chiefly Brit.)a body of pupils living in the same building at a boarding school
[主英] (寄宿学校)住在同一栋房屋的学生
  (chiefly Brit.)one of a number of groups into which pupils at a day school are divided for games or competition
[主英] (走读学校学生)(游戏或比赛中的)一组
  [Brit. formal] a college of a university
[英,正式] 综合大学的学院
4. a legislative or deliberative assembly
• 立法机构;协商机构;审议机构
 »the sixty-member National Council, the country's upper house.
  (the House)(in the UK) the House of Commons or Lords; (in the US) the House of Representatives
• (英国)下议院;上议院;(美国)众议院
  used in formal debates that mimic the procedures of a legislative assembly
• (用于正式辩论中,模仿立法机构程序)议会
 »a debate on the motion ‘This house would legalize cannabis’.
5. (也作 house music)[mass noun] a style of popular dance music typically using drum machines, synthesized bass lines,sparse repetitive vocals, and a fast beat
• 货仓音乐(一种流行舞蹈音乐,多用打击乐器,合成低音,歌声稀疏重复,节奏快)
6. [Astrologya] twelfth division of the celestial sphere, based on the positions of the ascendant and midheaven at a given time and place, and determined by any of a number of methods
[占星] 黄道十二宫之一,黄道宫
  such a division represented as a sector on an astrological chart, used in allocating elements of character and circumstance to different spheres of human life
• 室宿(在占星图上代表这样一个分支,用于确定人生不同方面的性格和境况)
7. [mass noun] [Brit.] . old-fashioned term for bingo
[英,] 旧同 bingo
  [as exclamation] used by a bingo player to announce that they have won
• [宾戈游戏中赢的一方宣布自己赢了]赢了
adjective, [attrib.]
1. (of an animal or plant) kept in, frequenting, or infesting buildings
• (动、植物)家养的;常在室内的;侵扰房子的
2. of or relating to medical staff resident at a hospital
• (常驻一家医院的)医务人员的
3. of or relating to a firm, institution, or society
• 公司的,机构的,协会的
 »a house journal.
  (of a band or group) resident or regularly performing in a club or other venue
• (乐队、组合)(在俱乐部或别的场所)常驻的,定期表演的
verb, [with obj.]
1. provide (a person or animal) with shelter or accommodation
• (给人、动物)提供住所
 »they converted a disused cinema to house twelve employees.
2. provide space for; accommodate
• 提供地方;容纳
 »the museum houses a collection of Roman sculpture.
  enclose or encase (something)
• 装入,包住(某物)
 »the radar could be housed in a pod beneath the engine.
  fix (something) in a socket or mortise
• 使固定在插座(或榫眼)中
as safe as houses
1. [Brit.] thoroughly or completely safe
[英] 绝对安全
get on (或 along) like a house on fire
1. [informal] have a very good and friendly relationship
[非正式] 关系非常好
go (all) round the houses
1. take a circuitous route to one's destination
• 兜圈子
  take an unnecessarily long time to get to the point
• 拐弯抹角
house and home
1. a person's home (used for emphasis)
• [用于强调]家
 »some people sell house and home to sit in a boat writing books.
a house divided cannot stand
1. (proverb)a group or organization weakened by internal dissensions will be unable to withstand external pressures
[谚] 开裂的房屋撑不了多久;内部纷争,外患无穷
house of cards
1. a structure built out of playing cards precariously balanced together
• (为打牌而建的不稳固的房屋)牌房
  used to refer to an insubstantial or insecure situation or scheme
• 不可靠的计划;不稳定的情形
 »the special constitutional arrangement collapsed like a house of cards.
keep (或 make) a House
1. [Brit.] secure the presence of enough members for a quorum in the House of Commons
[英] (下议院)有足够的法定人数出席
keep house
1. do the cooking, cleaning, and other tasks involved in the running of a household
• 操持家务
keep (to) the house
1. stay indoors
• 足不出户
on the house
1. (of a drink or meal in a bar or restaurant) at the management's expense; free
• (酒吧或饭店)由经营方付费;免费的
play house
1. (of a child) play at being a family in its home
• (孩子)(在家)玩过家家游戏
put [或set 或get] one's house in order
1. make necessary reforms
• 做必要的改革
 »the Americans need to get their own economic house in order.
set up house
1. make one's home in a specified place
• 建房
houseful noun pl. -fuls
houseless adjective
1. Old English hūs (noun), hūsian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch huis, German Haus (nouns), and Dutch huizen, German hausen (verbs)
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