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时间: 2024-09-17 13:46:58




1. the male of some horned animals, especially the fallow deer, roe deer, reindeer, and antelopes
• 雄性有角动物(尤指雄性扁角鹿、狍、驯鹿和羚羊)。
--› compare doe
  a male hare, rabbit, ferret, rat, or kangaroo
• 公兔,公白鼬,公鼠,公袋鼠
  [S. African] an antelope of either sex
[南非] (雌或雄的)羚羊。
--› compare bushbuck , reedbuck , waterbuck
2. another term for vaulting horse
• 同 vaulting horse
3. a vertical jump performed by a horse, with the head lowered, back arched, and back legs thrown out behind
• (马突然做出的)弯背跃起
4. (archaic)a fashionable and typically hellraising young man
[古] 纨绔子弟
1. [no obj.] (of a horse) to perform a buck
• (马)突然弯背跃起
 »he's got to get his head down to buck.
 »[with obj.] she bucked them off if they tried to get on her back.
  (of a vehicle) make sudden jerky movements
• (运输工具)突然颠簸
2. [with obj.] oppose or resist (something which seems oppressive or inevitable)
• 反抗,抵制(似乎难以忍受或不可避免的事物)
 »the shares bucked the market trend.
3. [with obj.] [informal] make (someone) more cheerful
[非正式] 使振奋(或振作)
 »Bella and Jim need me to buck them up.
 »[no obj.] buck up, kid, it's not the end of the game.
1. [US military slang] lowest of a particular rank
[美,军俚] (某一军衔等级中)级别最低的
 »a buck private.
buck up one's ideas
1. become more serious, energetic, and hard-working
• 变得更认真,更有活力,更努力
1. Old English , partly from buc 'male deer' (of Germanic origin, related to Dutch bok and German Bock); reinforced by bucca 'male goat', of the same ultimate origin
1. [N. Amer. & Austral./NZ informal] a dollar
[北美,澳非正式] (一)美元;(一)澳元
 »a run-down hotel room for five bucks a night.
  [S. African informal] a rand
[南非,非正式] (鞋后跟和鞋底之间的)垫皮,衬底
  [Indian informal] a rupee
[印度, 非正式] 卢比
big bucks
1. a lot of money
• 一大笔钱
a fast (或 quick) buck
1. easily and quickly earned money
• 易得之财
 »they are itinerant traders out to make a fast buck.
1. mid 19th cent.: of unknown origin
1. an article placed as a reminder in front of a player whose turn it is to deal at poker
• 培克(扑克牌戏中的一种用来提醒轮到某人发牌的标志)
the buck stops here (或 with someone)
1. [informal] the responsibility for something cannot or should not be passed to someone else
[非正式] 责任止于此
pass the buck
1. [informal] shift the responsibility for something to someone else
[非正式] 推诿责任
1. mid 19th cent.: of unknown origin
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