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时间: 2024-09-17 13:57:03



/ hB:t /

1. a hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation. In vertebrates there may be up to four chambers (as in humans), with two atria and two ventricles
• 心脏
  the region of the chest above the heart
• (心脏上面的)胸部
 »holding hand on heart for the Pledge of Allegiance.
  (the heart)regarded as the centre of a person's thoughts and emotions, especially love or compassion
• 心智;感情(尤指爱心或同情心)
 »hardening his heart, he ignored her entreaties.
 »he poured out his heart to me.
 »[mass noun] he has no heart.
  [mass noun] one's mood or feeling
• 情绪,心情
 »they had a change of heart.
 »they found him well and in good heart.
  [mass noun] courage or enthusiasm
• 勇气;热情
 »they may lose heart as the work mounts up.
 »Mary took heart from the encouragement handed out.
 »I put my heart and soul into it and then got fired.
2. the central or innermost part of something
• 中心;最里面
 »right in the heart of the city.
  the vital part or essence
• 中心,要点,实质;要素
 »the heart of the matter.
  the close compact head of a cabbage or lettuce
• (卷心菜的)菜心;(叶用莴苣的)心
3. a conventional representation of a heart with two equal curves meeting at a point at the bottom and a cusp at the top
• 心形
  (hearts)one of the four suits in a conventional pack of playing cards, denoted by a red figure of such a shape
• (纸牌)红桃
  a card of this suit
• 一张红桃
  (hearts)a card game similar to whist, in which players attempt to avoid taking tricks containing a card of this suit
• 红心牌戏(与惠斯特相似,玩牌者须避免吃进红心花色的牌)
4. [usu. with modifier] the condition of agricultural land as regards fertility
• (土地的)肥力
after one's own heart
1. of the type that one likes or understands best; sharing one's tastes
• 合自己心意,称自己的心;与自己有相同爱好
at heart
1. in one's real nature, in contrast to how one may appear
• 就其本性而言;在内心里;本质上
 »he's a good lad at heart.
break someone's heart
1. overwhelm someone with sadness
• 使心碎
by heart
1. from memory
• 熟记
close (或 dear) to (或 near) one's heart
1. of deep interest and concern to one
• 感兴趣
from the (bottom of one's) heart
1. with sincere feeling
• 发自内心的(地);诚心诚意的(地)
 »their warmth and hospitality is right from the heart.
give (或 lose) one's heart
1. to fall in love with
• 爱上
have a heart
1. [often in imperative] be merciful; show pity
• 发慈悲,怜悯
have a heart of gold
1. have a generous nature
• 有一颗仁厚的心,有一颗金子般的心
have the heart to do something
1. [usu. with negative] be insensitive or hard-hearted enough to do something
• 忍心
 »I don't have the heart to tell her.
have (或 put) one's heart in
1. be (or become) keenly involved in or committed to (an enterprise)
• 全心全意地投入
have one's heart in one's mouth
1. be greatly alarmed or apprehensive
• 提心吊胆,担心
have one's heart in the right place
1. be sincere or well intentioned
• 为人诚恳;怀善意
heart of stone
1. a stern or cruel nature
• 铁石心肠
hearts and flowers
1. used in allusion to extreme sentimentality
• 感伤,多愁善感
hearts and minds
1. used in reference to emotional and intellectual support or commitment
• 全心全意
 »a campaign to win the hearts and minds of America's college students.
one's heart's desire
1. a person or thing that one greatly wishes for
• 心之所爱
one's heartstrings
1. used in reference to one's deepest feelings of love or compassion
• 心弦,内心最深处的感情
 »the kitten's pitiful little squeak tugged at her heartstrings.
in one's heart of hearts
1. in one's inmost feelings
• 在心灵深处
take something to heart
1. take criticism seriously and be affected or upset by it
• (对批评等)很在意(或感到不快)
wear one's heart on one's sleeve
1. make one's feelings apparent
• 过于暴露感情,想法;过于直率
with all one's heart (或 one's whole heart)
1. sincerely ; completely
• 诚心诚意地
hearted adjective
 »[in combination] a generous-hearted woman.
1. Old English heorte, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hart and German Herz, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin cor, cord- and Greek kēr, kardia
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