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时间: 2024-10-19 23:00:23


1. He arrived by car. (他乘车到达。)

2. She walked by the river. (她沿着河边走。)

3. The book was written by an unknown author. (这本书是由一位不知名的作者写的。)

4. The project was completed by the deadline. (项目在截止日期前完成了。)

5. They communicated by email. (他们通过电子邮件进行交流。)

6. The house was damaged by the storm. (房子被风暴损坏了。)

7. The cake was made by my mom. (蛋糕是我妈妈做的。)

8. He goes to work by bus. (他乘公交车上班。)

9. The letter was signed by the president. (这封信是总统签署的。)

10. They live by the beach. (他们住在海边。)

11. The suspect was identified by his fingerprints. (嫌疑犯是通过指纹识别出来的。)

12. The problem was solved by using a new method. (这个问题是通过使用一种新方法解决的。)

13. She made a living by selling handmade crafts. (她靠卖手工艺品谋生。)

14. The flowers were pollinated by bees. (这些花是由蜜蜂授粉的。)

15. The message was conveyed by the messenger. (这个消息是由信使传达的。)

16. The movie was directed by a famous director. (这部电影是由一位著名导演执导的。)

17. The painting was created by a talented artist. (这幅画是由一位有才华的艺术家创作的。)

18. The problem was caused by a lack of communication. (问题是由于缺乏沟通引起的。)

19. The decision was influenced by external factors. (这个决定受到外部因素的影响。)

20. She won the race by a narrow margin. (她以微弱的优势赢得了比赛。)

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