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时间: 2024-10-06 18:57:40


1. The negative feedback from her boss did not discourage her from pursuing her goals.


2. I don't want to discourage you, but this project will require a lot of hard work.


3. The lack of support from his friends did not discourage him from starting his own business.


4. The coach's harsh criticism was meant to encourage, not discourage, the players.


5. I hope this setback doesn't discourage you from trying again.


6. She tried to discourage him from taking such a risky job, but he was determined to do it.


7. The lack of progress may discourage some people, but it only motivates me to work harder.


8. Don't let the challenges discourage you from pursuing your dreams.


9. His parents tried to discourage him from dropping out of college, but he was determined to pursue his passion for music.


10. The constant rejection letters did not discourage her from continuing to apply for her dream job.


11. 他的恶劣行为有可能使其他人受到影响,所以我们必须尽快加以阻止。

(His bad behavior could discourage others, so we need to stop it as soon as possible.)

12. 我的父母一直在劝我不要去那个危险的国家旅行,但是我不会被他们打消念头的。

(My parents have been trying to discourage me from traveling to that dangerous country, but I won't be put off.)

13. 这个困难的任务可能会让很多人望而却步,但是我们不会因此停下来。

(This difficult task may discourage many people, but we won't stop because of it.)

14. 他的失败并没有使他灰心,相反,他更加努力地去追求成功。

(His failure did not discourage him; instead, he worked even harder to achieve success.)

15. 这个项目的复杂性可能会让你感到气馁,但是我相信你有能力完成它。

(The complexity of this project may discourage you, but I believe you are capable of completing it.)

16. 我们不能因为失败而灰心,而应该从中吸取教训。

(We should not be discouraged by failure, but rather learn from it.)

17. 她的努力受到了很多挫折,但是她并没有被打败。

(She faced many setbacks in her efforts, but she was not discouraged.)

18. 这个项目的失败可能会让我们感到气馁,但是我们不应该放弃。

(The failure of this project may discourage us, but we should not give up.)

19. 虽然我们遇到了很多困难,但是我们不会因此放弃。

(Although we have encountered many difficulties, we will not be discouraged.)

20. 他们的警告并没有打消我的念头,我仍然决心继续前行。

(Their warnings did not discourage me; I am still determined to continue.)

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