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时间: 2024-10-06 22:44:02


1. The team's dismay was evident after their loss in the championship game.

2. She expressed her dismay at the company's decision to downsize.

3. The news of the natural disaster filled the community with dismay.

4. His dismay at failing the test was palpable.

5. The child's dismay was evident when he dropped his ice cream cone.

6. The politician's remarks caused dismay among his supporters.

7. The students were filled with dismay when they learned about the difficult exam.

8. The company's financial troubles caused dismay among its employees.

9. The sudden change in plans caused dismay among the group.

10. The doctor's diagnosis filled the patient with dismay.

11. The dismay on her face was evident when she heard the bad news.

12. The coach's dismay was clear after the team's poor performance.

13. The public reacted with dismay to the scandal involving the celebrity.

14. The sudden closure of the restaurant caused dismay in the neighborhood.

15. The student's dismay was evident when he realized he had forgotten his homework.

16. The teacher's dismay was evident when the students didn't complete their assignments.

17. The political scandal caused widespread dismay among the citizens.

18. The news of the failed project filled the team with dismay.

19. The employee's dismay was evident when he was passed over for a promotion.

20. The company's decision to relocate caused dismay among its employees.


1. 在冠军赛失利后,团队的沮丧情绪显而易见。

2. 她对公司裁员决定表示失望。

3. 自然灾害的消息让社区充满了沮丧。

4. 他因考试不及格而感到失望。

5. 当孩子掉了冰淇淋蛋筒时,他的失望情绪显而易见。

6. 政治家的言论引起了支持者的失望。

7. 学生们听说考试很难时都感到沮丧。

8. 公司的财务困境让员工感到失望。

9. 计划突然改变让团队感到失望。

10. 医生的诊断让病人感到失望。

11. 她听到坏消息时脸上的失望表情显而易见。

12. 队员表现不佳后,教练的失望情绪显而易见。

13. 公众对涉及名人的丑闻感到失望。

14. 餐厅突然关闭让周围社区感到失望。

15. 学生发现自己忘了家庭作业时感到失望。

16. 学生没有完成作业时,老师的失望情绪显而易见。

17. 政治丑闻让市民普遍感到失望。

18. 项目失败的消息让团队感到失望。

19. 员工被忽略晋升时感到失望。

20. 公司决定搬迁让员工感到失望。

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