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时间: 2024-09-21 15:01:11


1. Her smile was a ray of sunshine in my day. (她的微笑就像是我的一天中的一缕阳光。)

2. The world is a stage. (世界就像一个舞台。)

3. Time is a thief. (时间就像是一个小偷。)

4. His words were a dagger to her heart. (他的话就像是一把刀刺入她的心。)

5. She is a diamond in the rough. (她就像是一颗原石中的钻石。)

6. The classroom was a zoo. (教室就像是一个动物园。)

7. His anger was a volcano ready to erupt. (他的愤怒就像是一座即将喷发的火山。)

8. Love is a battlefield. (爱情就像是一场战场。)

9. The politician's promises were empty shells. (政客的承诺就像是空壳。)

10. The stormy relationship finally reached a breaking point. (那段风雨交加的关系最终达到了破裂点。)

11. His heart was a prison. (他的心就像是一座监狱。)

12. The city was a jungle of concrete and steel. (这个城市就像是一个混凝土和钢铁的丛林。)

13. Her laughter was music to his ears. (她的笑声就像是他耳边的音乐。)

14. The news hit him like a ton of bricks. (这个消息让他如坠五雷轰顶。)

15. The team was a well-oiled machine. (这个团队就像是一个运转良好的机器。)

16. His ideas were a breath of fresh air. (他的想法就像是一股清新的空气。)

17. The entrepreneur was a shark in the business world. (这个企业家就像是商业世界中的一头鲨鱼。)

18. The old man's wisdom was a guiding light for the community. (老人的智慧就像是社区的指路明灯。)

19. The company's financial troubles were a dark cloud looming over their future. (公司的财务困境就像是一片笼罩在他们未来上空的乌云。)

20. Her love was a beacon in the darkness of his life. (她的爱就像是他生命中的一盏明灯。)

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