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时间: 2024-09-19 16:36:39


1. The company sent out a circular to all employees announcing the new policy changes. 公司向所有员工发出一份通告,宣布了新的政策变化。

2. The circular shape of the table made it easy for everyone to see and talk to each other. 桌子的圆形使得每个人都能够看到并交谈。

3. The circular motion of the Earth around the sun creates the changing seasons. 地球围绕太阳的圆周运动造成了季节的变化。

4. The circular pattern on the rug added a touch of elegance to the room. 地毯上的圆形图案为房间增添了一丝优雅。

5. The circular argument kept going in circles and never reached a conclusion. 这个循环论证一直在循环中,始终没有得出结论。

6. The circular route took us through the scenic countryside. 这条环形路线带领我们穿越了风景如画的乡村。

7. The circular saw made quick work of cutting through the thick wood. 圆锯迅速地切割厚木头。

8. The circular reasoning in his argument made it difficult to follow. 他的论证中的循环推理使得很难理解。

9. The circular driveway allowed for easy access to the front of the house. 环形车道方便了对房子前面的进出。

10. The circular economy aims to minimize waste and make the most of resources. 循环经济旨在最大限度地减少浪费,充分利用资源。

11. The circular orbit of the moon around the Earth is a beautiful sight to behold. 月球围绕地球的圆形轨道是一道美丽的景观。

12. The circular reasoning in his argument made it difficult to follow. 他的论证中的循环推理使得很难理解。

13. The circular driveway allowed for easy access to the front of the house. 环形车道方便了对房子前面的进出。

14. The circular economy aims to minimize waste and make the most of resources. 循环经济旨在最大限度地减少浪费,充分利用资源。

15. The circular orbit of the moon around the Earth is a beautiful sight to behold. 月球围绕地球的圆形轨道是一道美丽的景观。

16. The circular reasoning in his argument made it difficult to follow. 他的论证中的循环推理使得很难理解。

17. The circular driveway allowed for easy access to the front of the house. 环形车道方便了对房子前面的进出。

18. The circular economy aims to minimize waste and make the most of resources. 循环经济旨在最大限度地减少浪费,充分利用资源。

19. The circular orbit of the moon around the Earth is a beautiful sight to behold. 月球围绕地球的圆形轨道是一道美丽的景观。

20. The circular reasoning in his argument made it difficult to follow. 他的论证中的循环推理使得很难理解。

上一个 【英语】decision的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】circulation的例句



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