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时间: 2024-09-20 01:12:04


1. The evidence was so overwhelming that it compelled the jury to reach a guilty verdict.(证据如此压倒性,以至于迫使陪审团做出有罪判决。)

2. Her captivating performance compelled the audience to give her a standing ovation.(她迷人的表演迫使观众起立鼓掌。)

3. The teacher's passion for the subject compelled his students to pay attention in class.(老师对这门科目的热情迫使学生们在课堂上专心听讲。)

4. The urgency of the situation compelled us to take immediate action.(情况的紧急性迫使我们立即采取行动。)

5. His charisma and charm compelled people to listen to what he had to say.(他的魅力迫使人们听取他的发言。)

6. The strong winds compelled us to seek shelter indoors.(强风迫使我们寻找室内避难。)

7. The company's financial troubles compelled them to lay off several employees.(公司的财务困境迫使他们裁员。)

8. The beauty of the painting compelled me to stop and admire it.(这幅画的美丽迫使我停下来欣赏。)

9. His powerful speech compelled the audience to reconsider their beliefs.(他的慷慨激昂的演讲迫使观众重新考虑他们的信念。)

10. The threat of severe weather compelled the residents to evacuate their homes.(严重天气的威胁迫使居民撤离家园。)

11. The need to protect the environment should compel us to make more sustainable choices.(保护环境的需求应该迫使我们做出更可持续的选择。)

12. The evidence presented in court compelled the defendant to confess to the crime.(法庭上呈现的证据迫使被告承认了犯罪。)

13. His dedication to his work compelled his colleagues to follow his example.(他对工作的奉献精神迫使他的同事们效仿他的榜样。)

14. The urgent situation compelled us to make a quick decision.(紧急情况迫使我们迅速作出决定。)

15. The teacher's passion for the subject compelled her students to excel in their studies.(老师对这门科目的热情迫使她的学生在学业上出类拔萃。)

16. The company's financial difficulties compelled them to restructure their business.(公司的财务困难迫使他们重新调整业务。)

17. The powerful message of the film compelled viewers to take action for social change.(影片的强烈信息迫使观众采取行动推动社会变革。)

18. The compelling storyline of the book compelled me to read it in one sitting.(这本书引人入胜的故事情节迫使我一口气读完。)

19. The threat of a lawsuit compelled the company to issue an apology.(诉讼的威胁迫使公司发表道歉声明。)

20. The fear of failure compelled her to work harder and achieve her goals.(失败的恐惧迫使她更加努力,实现她的目标。)

上一个 【英语】expedition的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】compulsion的例句



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