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时间: 2024-11-07 20:29:05


1. The journalist interviewed the mayor about his plans for the city.


2. The journalist wrote a scathing article about the corruption in the government.


3. As a journalist, she has to remain objective and unbiased in her reporting.


4. The journalist's investigation uncovered a major scandal within the company.


5. The journalist was awarded for her courageous reporting in war-torn areas.


6. The journalist's article shed light on the plight of refugees in the region.


7. The journalist was known for her fearless pursuit of the truth.


8. The journalist's coverage of the natural disaster was comprehensive and informative.


9. The journalist was criticized for his sensationalist approach to reporting.


10. The journalist's integrity and dedication to her work earned her the respect of her peers.


11. 这位记者在采访中提出了许多尖锐的问题,让政府官员感到不安。

(The journalist posed many pointed questions during the interview, making the government officials uncomfortable.)

12. 这位记者的报道引起了公众对环境保护的关注。

(The journalist's reporting sparked public interest in environmental conservation.)

13. 作为一名记者,她经常要面对各种挑战和压力。

(As a journalist, she often has to face various challenges and pressures.)

14. 这位记者的文章揭露了许多政府官员的腐败行为。

(The journalist's article exposed many corrupt behaviors of government officials.)

15. 这位记者对新闻报道有自己独特的见解和风格。

(The journalist has her own unique insights and style in news reporting.)

16. 这位记者为了追求真相,不惜冒着生命危险到战区采访。

(The journalist risked her life to report from the war zone in pursuit of the truth.)

17. 这位记者的报道引发了社会对性别平等的讨论。

(The journalist's reporting sparked a discussion on gender equality in society.)

18. 这位记者的调查揭露了公司内部的腐败行为。

(The journalist's investigation uncovered corrupt practices within the company.)

19. 这位记者的报道让人们对政府的政策产生了怀疑。

(The journalist's reporting raised doubts about the government's policies.)

20. 这位记者因其对社会不公正现象的揭露而受到了威胁。

(The journalist was threatened for her exposure of social injustices.)

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