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时间: 2024-09-20 01:09:12


1. I enjoy fishing on the weekends. (我喜欢在周末钓鱼。)

2. He caught a big fish while fishing in the lake. (他在湖中钓鱼时钓到了一条大鱼。)

3. Fishing is a popular recreational activity in this area. (在这个地区,钓鱼是一项受欢迎的休闲活动。)

4. We went fishing early in the morning to catch some fresh fish for dinner. (我们一早去钓鱼,为晚餐捕捉一些新鲜的鱼。)

5. Fishing requires patience and skill. (钓鱼需要耐心和技巧。)

6. He enjoys the peacefulness of fishing in the river. (他喜欢在河中钓鱼的宁静。)

7. Fishing is a great way to relax and unwind. (钓鱼是放松和解压的好方法。)

8. The fisherman cast his line into the water and waited for a bite. (渔夫将鱼线投入水中,等待咬钩。)

9. I caught a variety of fish while fishing in the ocean. (我在海上钓鱼时钓到了各种各样的鱼。)

10. Fishing is a sport that requires skill and knowledge of fish behavior. (钓鱼是一项需要技巧和对鱼类行为了解的运动。)

11. We went fishing in the river and caught enough fish for a barbecue. (我们去河边钓鱼,钓到了足够的鱼进行烧烤。)

12. Fishing can be a solitary activity or a social event with friends and family. (钓鱼可以是一项独自进行的活动,也可以是和朋友和家人一起的社交活动。)

13. He spends his weekends fishing at the nearby lake. (他周末在附近的湖中钓鱼。)

14. Fishing is a way to connect with nature and enjoy the outdoors. (钓鱼是与大自然联系并享受户外活动的一种方式。)

15. The fisherman patiently waited for hours for a fish to take the bait. (渔夫耐心地等了几个小时,等待鱼咬饵。)

16. Fishing is a popular pastime in this coastal town. (钓鱼是这个沿海小镇上流行的消遣活动。)

17. He caught a record-breaking fish while deep-sea fishing. (他在深海钓鱼时钓到了一条创纪录的鱼。)

18. Fishing is a way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. (钓鱼是逃离日常生活喧嚣的一种方式。)

19. They went ice fishing on the frozen lake during the winter. (他们在冬天的冰冻湖上进行了冰钓。)

20. Fishing can be a relaxing and meditative activity. (钓鱼可以是一种轻松和冥想的活动。)

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