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时间: 2024-10-08 04:54:22


1. He made great advances in his scientific research. (他在科学研究方面取得了巨大的进展。)

2. The company is offering a 10% advance on future sales. (该公司提供未来销售额的10%预付款。)

3. I would like to advance my career by taking on more challenging projects. (我想通过承担更具挑战性的项目来推进我的职业发展。)

4. The army advanced on the enemy's position. (军队向敌人的阵地前进。)

5. She advanced the theory that climate change is caused by human activity. (她提出了一个理论,认为气候变化是由人类活动引起的。)

6. The professor advanced several arguments to support his hypothesis. (教授提出了几个论据来支持他的假设。)

7. The team advanced to the finals of the competition. (该队晋级到比赛的决赛。)

8. He asked his boss for an advance on his salary. (他向老板要求提前支付工资。)

9. The technology has advanced significantly in recent years. (近年来,这项技术取得了显著进步。)

10. She advanced towards him with a smile on her face. (她面带微笑地向他走来。)

11. The government is advancing new policies to address the issue of poverty. (政府正在推出新政策来解决贫困问题。)

12. He advanced the idea of starting a business together. (他提出了一起创业的想法。)

13. The company will provide an advance copy of the book to reviewers. (公司将向评论员提供一本书的预览副本。)

14. The troops advanced cautiously through the enemy territory. (部队谨慎地穿过敌人的领土前进。)

15. She advanced her position by presenting compelling evidence. (她通过提供有力的证据来巩固了自己的立场。)

16. He advanced the ball down the field with a series of skillful moves. (他通过一系列技巧动作将球推进到场地的另一端。)

17. The company offers an advance payment option for customers. (公司为客户提供预付款选项。)

18. The teacher advanced the due date for the assignment. (老师提前了作业的截止日期。)

19. The negotiations have advanced to the next stage. (谈判已经进入了下一阶段。)

20. He advanced the argument that education is the key to reducing crime rates. (他提出了一个观点,即教育是减少犯罪率的关键。)

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