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时间: 2024-10-08 03:06:03


1. African-Americans have made significant contributions to the fields of music, art, and literature.(非洲裔美国人在音乐、艺术和文学领域做出了重要贡献。)

2. Many African-Americans faced discrimination and segregation during the Civil Rights Movement.(在民权运动期间,许多非洲裔美国人面临着歧视和隔离。)

3. African-Americans have a rich cultural heritage that includes traditions, customs, and folklore.(非洲裔美国人拥有丰富的文化遗产,包括传统、习俗和民间传说。)

4. The election of Barack Obama as the first African-American president was a historic moment for the United States.(巴拉克·奥巴马当选为首位非洲裔美国总统是美国的历史性时刻。)

5. African-Americans have been disproportionately affected by poverty and lack of access to quality education.(非洲裔美国人在贫困和缺乏优质教育方面受到了不成比例的影响。)

6. African-American culture has had a significant influence on American cuisine, with dishes like soul food gaining popularity.(非洲裔美国文化对美国烹饪产生了重要影响,如灵魂食物等菜肴越来越受欢迎。)

7. African-Americans have played a crucial role in the fight for civil rights and equality in the United States.(非洲裔美国人在美国争取民权和平等的斗争中发挥了至关重要的作用。)

8. African-American history month is celebrated in February to honor the achievements and contributions of African-Americans.(非洲裔美国人历史月在二月份举行,以纪念非洲裔美国人的成就和贡献。)

9. African-Americans have excelled in various sports, including basketball, track and field, and football.(非洲裔美国人在各种运动项目中表现出色,包括篮球、田径和足球。)

10. Many African-Americans migrated from the rural South to northern cities during the Great Migration in search of better opportunities.(许多非洲裔美国人在大规模迁徙期间从南方农村迁往北方城市,寻求更好的机会。)

11. African-American churches have played a central role in the community, providing spiritual guidance and social support.(非洲裔美国教堂在社区中发挥着核心作用,提供精神指导和社会支持。)

12. African-Americans have faced systemic racism and discrimination throughout history.(非洲裔美国人在历史上一直面临系统性的种族主义和歧视。)

13. African-American literature, such as the works of Langston Hughes and Toni Morrison, has made a significant impact on American literature.(兰斯顿·休斯和托尼·莫里森等非洲裔美国作家的作品对美国文学产生了重要影响。)

14. African-Americans have been at the forefront of the fight against police brutality and racial injustice.(非洲裔美国人一直在反对警察暴力和种族不公正的斗争中处于前沿。)

15. African-American women have played a vital role in the feminist movement, advocating for gender and racial equality.(非洲裔美国妇女在女权运动中发挥了重要作用,倡导性别和种族平等。)

16. African-American culture has influenced various art forms, including dance, fashion, and visual arts.(非洲裔美国文化影响了各种艺术形式,包括舞蹈、时尚和视觉艺术。)

17. African-Americans have a diverse range of religious beliefs, including Christianity, Islam, and African traditional religions.(非洲裔美国人拥有多样的宗教信仰,包括基督教、伊斯兰教和非洲传统宗教。)

18. African-American students have been advocating for equal educational opportunities and fighting against the school-to-prison pipeline.(非洲裔美国学生一直在倡导平等的教育机会,并与学校到监狱的制度进行斗争。)

19. African-American families have strong ties to their cultural heritage, often passing down traditions and values through generations.(非洲裔美国家庭与他们的文化遗产有着深厚的联系,通常通过世代相传的传统和价值观传承下去。)

20. African-American activists, such as Martin Luther King Jr., have been instrumental in advancing the civil rights movement and promoting equality for all.(马丁·路德·金等非洲裔美国活动家在推动民权运动和促进平等方面起到了重要作用。)

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