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时间: 2024-09-20 08:32:43


1. 观众们纷纷起立,热烈地喝彩。

The audience stood up and applauded enthusiastically.

2. 选手们赢得了比赛,赢得了观众们的喝彩。

The players won the game and received the applause of the audience.

3. 他的表演太精彩了,引起了观众们的一阵喝彩。

His performance was so brilliant that it drew a round of applause from the audience.

4. 观众们为音乐家们的演奏喝彩。

The audience applauded the musicians' performance.

5. 领奖时,她收到了观众们热烈的喝彩。

She received a warm applause from the audience when receiving the award.

6. 他的讲话赢得了在场所有人的喝彩。

His speech won the applause of everyone present.

7. 她的演讲结束后,大家都为她喝彩。

After her speech, everyone applauded for her.

8. 音乐会结束时,观众们纷纷起立喝彩。

At the end of the concert, the audience stood up and applauded.

9. 运动员们在完美的表现后,赢得了观众们的喝彩。

The athletes won the applause of the audience after their perfect performance.

10. 比赛结束后,观众们为参赛者们喝彩。

After the game, the audience applauded the participants.

11. 他的精彩演讲引起了听众的一片喝彩。

His brilliant speech drew a round of applause from the audience.

12. 这部电影在首映式上获得了观众们的喝彩。

The film received applause from the audience at the premiere.

13. 在庆祝活动上,大家为领导者们的表现喝彩。

At the celebration, everyone applauded for the leaders' performance.

14. 音乐家们的演奏赢得了观众们的喝彩。

The musicians' performance won the applause of the audience.

15. 她的成就值得我们为她喝彩。

Her achievement deserves our applause.

16. 运动员们在比赛中的出色表现赢得了观众们的喝彩。

The athletes' outstanding performance in the game won the applause of the audience.

17. 他的演讲结束后,听众们爆发出一片喝彩。

After his speech, the audience erupted into applause.

18. 运动员们在比赛中全力以赴,赢得了观众们的喝彩。

The athletes gave their all in the game and won the applause of the audience.

19. 这位年轻的歌手在舞台上获得了观众们的喝彩。

The young singer received applause from the audience on stage.

20. 领导者的慷慨行为引起了大家的喝彩。

The leader's generous act drew applause from everyone.

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