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时间: 2024-09-20 11:28:41


1. 工厂排放的废水导致了河流的污染。

The factory's discharge of waste water has caused pollution in the river.

2. 城市的空气污染日益严重。

The air pollution in the city is getting worse.

3. 环境污染严重影响了人们的健康。

Environmental pollution has seriously affected people's health.

4. 这家化工厂的排放物对周围的土地造成了严重的污染。

The emissions from this chemical plant have caused serious pollution to the surrounding land.

5. 油轮泄漏导致了海洋的污染。

The oil spill from the tanker has caused pollution in the ocean.

6. 工业废气排放是造成空气污染的主要原因之一。

Industrial emissions are a major cause of air pollution.

7. 他们在河边扔垃圾,导致了河水的污染。

They threw garbage into the river, causing pollution to the water.

8. 汽车尾气是城市空气污染的主要来源之一。

Car exhaust is one of the main sources of urban air pollution.

9. 这家工厂的废弃物处理不当,导致了地下水的污染。

Improper waste disposal at this factory has led to groundwater pollution.

10. 农业化肥和农药的过度使用导致了土壤的污染。

Excessive use of agricultural fertilizers and pesticides has led to soil pollution.

11. 他们在海滩上留下了很多垃圾,严重污染了周围的环境。

They left a lot of garbage on the beach, seriously polluting the surrounding environment.

12. 这个城市的污水处理设施已经失修多年,导致了河流的污染。

The city's sewage treatment facilities have been in disrepair for many years, causing pollution to the river.

13. 工业排放的废气已经污染了大气。

Industrial emissions have polluted the atmosphere.

14. 不当处理有毒废物会导致土壤和水源的污染。

Improper disposal of toxic waste can lead to pollution of soil and water sources.

15. 这家炼油厂的事故导致了严重的水污染。

The accident at this refinery has caused serious water pollution.

16. 火灾造成了大量的空气污染。

The fire caused a lot of air pollution.

17. 这家工厂的生产过程中产生了大量的废弃物,严重污染了周围的环境。

The production process of this factory has generated a large amount of waste, seriously polluting the surrounding environment.

18. 河水中发现了大量的化学污染物。

A large amount of chemical pollutants were found in the river water.

19. 煤矿开采导致了地表和地下水的污染。

Coal mining has led to pollution of surface and groundwater.

20. 火车事故导致了铁路沿线的土壤污染。

The train accident caused soil pollution along the railway.

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