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时间: 2024-09-20 07:16:35


1. 这部电影的序幕让我充满了期待。

The opening scene of this movie filled me with anticipation.

2. 婚礼的序幕是一段感人的誓言。

The beginning of the wedding was a touching exchange of vows.

3. 这个故事的序幕让人想知道接下来会发生什么。

The prologue of this story makes you wonder what will happen next.

4. 这个展览的序幕展示了艺术家的灵感来源。

The opening of the exhibition showcased the artist's sources of inspiration.

5. 他们的演出以一段精彩的序幕拉开了帷幕。

Their performance opened with a spectacular prologue.

6. 故事的序幕描述了一个神秘的夜晚。

The story's opening depicted a mysterious night.

7. 他们的婚礼序幕是在家人和朋友的祝福下开始的。

The beginning of their wedding was marked by the blessings of family and friends.

8. 这个音乐会的序幕是一曲令人心醉的交响乐。

The concert opened with a mesmerizing symphony.

9. 这个戏剧的序幕让观众立刻被吸引了过去。

The play's opening captivated the audience immediately.

10. 故事的序幕描绘了一个美丽的日出景象。

The story's prologue depicted a beautiful sunrise.

11. 这个展览的序幕引人入胜,让人想要了解更多。

The opening of the exhibition was captivating and made people want to learn more.

12. 他们的演出以一段令人难忘的序幕开始。

Their performance began with a memorable prologue.

13. 故事的序幕揭开了一个令人震惊的秘密。

The story's opening unveiled a shocking secret.

14. 这个音乐会的序幕是一段充满活力的开场。

The concert opened with a lively introduction.

15. 这个戏剧的序幕为整个故事设定了一个扣人心弦的氛围。

The play's opening set a gripping tone for the entire story.

16. 故事的序幕让读者对主人公产生了浓厚的兴趣。

The prologue of the story sparked a strong interest in the protagonist for the readers.

17. 这个展览的序幕以一组引人注目的艺术品开始。

The opening of the exhibition began with a striking set of artworks.

18. 他们的演出以一段感人的序幕打动了观众。

Their performance touched the audience with a moving prologue.

19. 故事的序幕描述了一个神秘的场景。

The story's opening described a mysterious scene.

20. 这个音乐会的序幕为观众带来了一段令人陶醉的音乐之旅。

The concert's opening brought the audience on a delightful musical journey.

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