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时间: 2024-09-20 08:47:12


1. 她挺起胸脯,昂首挺胸地走过了舞台。

She walked across the stage with her chest held high.

2. 他自豪地挺着胸脯,宣布自己的成就。

He proudly puffed out his chest and announced his achievements.

3. 她的胸脯像两座小山一样高大。

Her chest was as big as two small hills.

4. 他的胸脯上有一条明显的伤疤。

There was a noticeable scar on his chest.

5. 她胸脯上的珠宝吸引了所有人的目光。

The jewels on her chest caught everyone's attention.

6. 他心口处有一种奇怪的压迫感。

He felt a strange pressure in his chest.

7. 她的胸脯在呼吸时起伏不定。

Her chest rose and fell with each breath.

8. 他故作坚定地挺起胸脯,尽管内心充满了恐惧。

He bravely puffed out his chest, despite feeling fear inside.

9. 她的胸脯上有一枚金色的徽章。

There was a gold badge on her chest.

10. 他的胸脯因悲伤而起伏不定。

His chest heaved with sorrow.

11. 她的胸脯上有一朵鲜花。

There was a flower on her chest.

12. 他的胸脯感到一阵闷热。

He felt a wave of heat in his chest.

13. 她的胸脯因愤怒而剧烈起伏。

Her chest heaved with anger.

14. 他的胸脯被紧身衣勒得很疼。

His chest hurt from the tight shirt.

15. 她的胸脯在寒冷中起了鸡皮疙瘩。

Her chest got goosebumps in the cold.

16. 他的胸脯因激动而急剧起伏。

His chest rose and fell sharply with excitement.

17. 她的胸脯上盖着一层薄薄的汗水。

A thin layer of sweat covered her chest.

18. 他的胸脯上有一只小动物的纹身。

There was a tattoo of a small animal on his chest.

19. 她的胸脯因疲劳而起伏不定。

Her chest heaved with fatigue.

20. 他的胸脯上有一颗闪闪发光的宝石。

There was a sparkling gem on his chest.

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