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时间: 2024-09-20 08:03:00


1. 他不小心割断了电线。

He accidentally cut the wire.

2. 别割断那根绳子,我们还需要用它。

Don't cut that rope, we still need it.

3. 这把刀能轻松地割断任何材料。

This knife can easily cut through any material.

4. 他用力一拉,终于割断了绳索。

He pulled hard and finally cut the rope.

5. 割断供应线会导致水源中断。

Cutting off the supply line will result in a water shortage.

6. 她用剪刀割断了布料。

She cut the fabric with scissors.

7. 那个工人不小心割断了自己的手指。

The worker accidentally cut off his finger.

8. 这个机器可以割断树枝。

This machine can cut through tree branches.

9. 我们需要一把锋利的刀来割断这根绳子。

We need a sharp knife to cut through this rope.

10. 他们割断了电缆,导致整个地区断电。

They cut the cable, causing a power outage in the entire area.

11. 割断与家乡的联系。

cut off from home.

12. 他割断了与家人的联系。

He cut off contact with his family.

13. 割断供应线。

cut off the supply line.

14. 割断电线。

cut off the electric wire.

15. 割断关系。

cut off relations.

16. 割断通信。

cut off communication.

17. 割断供应。

cut off the supply.

18. 割断联系。

cut off the connection.

19. 割断外界。

cut off from the outside world.

20. 割断救援。

cut off the rescue.

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