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时间: 2024-09-20 10:26:33


1. 这所学校是一所民办学校,由私人资助。

This school is a private school, funded by private individuals.

2. 这家医院是一家民办医院,提供高质量的医疗服务。

This hospital is a private hospital, providing high-quality medical services.

3. 我们正在考虑把孩子送到一所民办幼儿园。

We are considering sending our child to a private kindergarten.

4. 这家公司是一家民办企业,由私人所有。

This company is a private enterprise, owned by private individuals.

5. 他们选择了一所民办大学来继续他们的教育。

They chose a private university to continue their education.

6. 这所学校是一所民办教育机构,注重学生个性发展。

This school is a private educational institution that focuses on the individual development of students.

7. 这所医院是一家民办医疗机构,提供各种医疗服务。

This hospital is a private medical institution that provides a variety of medical services.

8. 这个社区的教育由民办学校提供。

The education in this community is provided by private schools.

9. 他们选择了一家民办幼儿园,因为它有更好的教学质量。

They chose a private kindergarten because it has better teaching quality.

10. 这家公司是一家民办企业,由一家私人所有。

This company is a private enterprise, owned by a private individual.

11. The school is a private school, funded by private individuals.


12. This hospital is a private hospital, providing high-quality medical services.


13. We are considering sending our child to a private kindergarten.


14. This company is a private enterprise, owned by private individuals.


15. They chose a private university to continue their education.


16. This school is a private educational institution that focuses on the individual development of students.


17. This hospital is a private medical institution that provides a variety of medical services.


18. The education in this community is provided by private schools.


19. They chose a private kindergarten because it has better teaching quality.


20. This company is a private enterprise, owned by a private individual.


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