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时间: 2024-09-17 13:46:48


1. 冬梅的花香扑鼻,美丽动人。

The fragrance of the winter plum blossoms is delightful and beautiful.

2. 每年冬梅都会在这个季节盛开。

The winter plum blooms every year in this season.

3. 我特别喜欢冬梅的淡雅和清新。

I particularly like the elegance and freshness of the winter plum.

4. 冬梅的花语是坚韧不拔,寓意着坚强和勇气。

The language of the winter plum blossoms is perseverance, symbolizing strength and courage.

5. 冬梅的花瓣颜色多样,有粉红色、白色和红色。

The winter plum blossoms come in various colors, including pink, white, and red.

6. 他家的院子里有一株古老的冬梅树。

There is an old winter plum tree in their yard.

7. 冬梅的花开了,给寒冷的冬天增添了一丝生机。

The blossoming of the winter plum adds a touch of vitality to the cold winter.

8. 我们在公园里散步时,看到了一片片盛开的冬梅。

We saw patches of blooming winter plum blossoms while walking in the park.

9. 冬梅在中国文学中常被用作意境的描绘。

The winter plum is often used as a depiction of artistic conception in Chinese literature.

10. 他种了一排冬梅树,期待着春天的到来。

He planted a row of winter plum trees, looking forward to the arrival of spring.

11. 冬梅的花期通常在寒冷的冬季。

The flowering period of the winter plum is usually in the cold winter.

12. 他送给我一枝冬梅,寓意着美好的祝福。

He gave me a winter plum branch, symbolizing good wishes.

13. 冬梅的花语也代表着希望和期待。

The language of the winter plum blossoms also represents hope and expectation.

14. 冬梅的枝条上挂满了白色的花朵。

The branches of the winter plum are covered with white blossoms.

15. 每年春节,我们家都会摆放冬梅花来迎接新年。

Every Chinese New Year, we decorate our home with winter plum blossoms to welcome the new year.

16. 冬梅的花瓣在阳光下闪闪发光。

The petals of the winter plum glisten in the sunlight.

17. 冬梅的果实可以用来酿酒。

The fruit of the winter plum can be used to make wine.

18. 冬梅的树枝在冬天结满了冰霜。

The branches of the winter plum tree are covered with frost in winter.

19. 冬梅的树叶在秋天会变成金黄色。

The leaves of the winter plum turn golden yellow in autumn.

20. 冬梅是我最喜欢的花之一,因为它给人一种清新的感觉。

The winter plum is one of my favorite flowers because it gives a fresh feeling.

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