时间: 2024-11-10 06:49:21
1. 梁山是中国古代著名的义贼聚集地。
Liangshan is a famous gathering place for ancient Chinese bandits.
2. 梁山英雄好汉聚集,声名远扬。
Heroes and brave men gathered in Liangshan, gaining great reputation.
3. 他们在梁山上立下了赫赫战功。
They achieved great military feats on Liangshan.
4. 梁山108将是中国古代四大名将之一。
The 108 heroes of Liangshan are one of the four great ancient Chinese generals.
5. 梁山泊的风景如画,吸引了无数游客前来观光。
The picturesque scenery of Liangshan attracts countless tourists to visit.
6. 梁山的故事被广泛传颂,成为中国文学的经典之一。
The story of Liangshan is widely spread and has become a classic in Chinese literature.
7. 他们在梁山上结义为兄弟,誓死不渝。
They swore brotherhood on Liangshan and vowed to remain loyal unto death.
8. 梁山上的英雄们义薄云天,同心协力。
The heroes on Liangshan are united in purpose and work together.
9. 梁山的英雄们身手矫健,无所不能。
The heroes of Liangshan are agile and versatile.
10. 梁山的故事激励着后人不畏强敌,勇往直前。
The story of Liangshan inspires future generations to fear no enemy and move forward courageously.
11. 他们的事迹被后人传颂,成为梁山英雄的典范。
Their deeds are passed down by later generations, becoming the epitome of Liangshan heroes.
12. 在梁山上,他们同甘共苦,共同面对困难。
On Liangshan, they share weal and woe, facing difficulties together.
13. 梁山的英雄们勇猛无畏,无所畏惧。
The heroes of Liangshan are brave and fearless, fearing nothing.
14. 梁山的故事让人铭记,永不磨灭。
The story of Liangshan is unforgettable and everlasting.
15. 梁山的传说流传千古,激励着后人。
The legend of Liangshan has been passed down through the ages, inspiring future generations.
16. 他们在梁山上打下了一片天地,威震四方。
They carved out a territory on Liangshan, shaking the four corners of the world.
17. 梁山上的英雄们义薄云天,同心协力。
The heroes on Liangshan are united in purpose and work together.
18. 梁山的英雄们身手矫健,无所不能。
The heroes of Liangshan are agile and versatile.
19. 梁山的故事激励着后人不畏强敌,勇往直前。
The story of Liangshan inspires future generations to fear no enemy and move forward courageously.
20. 他们在梁山上结下了深厚的情谊,相互扶持。
They formed deep bonds of friendship on Liangshan, supporting each other.