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时间: 2024-09-20 12:54:24


1. 今年的收成比去年好多了。

The harvest this year is much better than last year.

2. 今年的天气比往年更加炎热。

The weather this year is hotter than in previous years.

3. 今年的新产品真的很受欢迎。

The new product this year is really popular.

4. 今年的生日派对将在家里举行。

The birthday party this year will be held at home.

5. 今年的目标是更加努力工作。

The goal this year is to work harder.

6. 今年的学生人数比去年增加了。

The number of students this year has increased compared to last year.

7. 今年的假期计划是去旅行。

The holiday plan this year is to travel.

8. 今年的情人节礼物真的让我感动。

The Valentine's Day gift this year really touched me.

9. 今年的世界杯比赛将在巴西举行。

The World Cup this year will be held in Brazil.

10. 今年的毕业典礼将在体育馆举行。

The graduation ceremony this year will be held in the gymnasium.

11. 今年的政策变化可能会影响市场。

Changes in policy this year may affect the market.

12. 今年的夏天比往年更加炎热。

This summer is hotter than previous years.

13. 今年的音乐节将有很多知名艺人表演。

The music festival this year will feature many famous artists.

14. 今年的公司业绩比去年好很多。

The company's performance this year is much better than last year.

15. 今年的旅游季节已经开始了。

The tourist season this year has already begun.

16. 今年的销售额达到了历史新高。

Sales this year have reached a record high.

17. 今年的新款手机功能更加强大。

The new phone model this year has more powerful features.

18. 今年的政治局势变化让人担忧。

Changes in the political situation this year are worrying.

19. 今年的计划是扩大业务范围。

The plan this year is to expand the business scope.

20. 今年的节日庆祝活动将在市中心举行。

The holiday celebration activities this year will be held in the city center.

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