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时间: 2024-09-20 11:13:55


1. 地铁上非常拥挤,几乎挤满了人。

The subway is very crowded, almost full of people.

2. 这个城市的交通总是拥挤不堪。

The traffic in this city is always congested.

3. 超市里人山人海,非常拥挤。

The supermarket is packed with people, very crowded.

4. 高峰时段的公交车总是拥挤不堪。

The bus during rush hour is always jam-packed.

5. 我们站在人群中,感到非常拥挤。

We stood in the crowd, feeling very crowded.

6. 这家餐厅每天都座无虚席,非常拥挤。

This restaurant is always packed, very crowded every day.

7. 在这个城市的市中心,街道总是拥挤不堪。

The streets in the downtown area of this city are always crowded.

8. 他们挤在一起,形成了一片拥挤的人群。

They crowded together, forming a dense crowd.

9. 在这个音乐会上,人们挤在一起,场面非常拥挤。

People crowded together at this concert, it's very crowded.

10. 这个火车站总是人满为患,非常拥挤。

This train station is always crowded, very crowded.

11. 在这个城市的主要购物街,总是人头攒动,非常拥挤。

The main shopping street in this city is always packed with people, very crowded.

12. 这个地区的公共汽车总是拥挤不堪。

The buses in this area are always crowded.

13. 这个游乐园总是人满为患,非常拥挤。

This amusement park is always packed with people, very crowded.

14. 这个酒吧每个周末都会拥挤不堪。

This bar is always crowded every weekend.

15. 在这个火车站,人们总是挤在一起,非常拥挤。

At this train station, people always crowd together, very crowded.

16. 这个展览会上人山人海,非常拥挤。

The exhibition is packed with people, very crowded.

17. 在这个城市的主要景点,总是人头攒动,非常拥挤。

The main attractions in this city are always packed with people, very crowded.

18. 这个体育场比赛日总是人满为患,非常拥挤。

The stadium is always packed with people on game day, very crowded.

19. 这个火车上人太多了,太拥挤了。

There are too many people on this train, too crowded.

20. 这个城市的公共交通总是拥挤不堪。

The public transportation in this city is always congested.

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