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时间: 2024-09-20 11:36:46


1. 我们之间存在分歧,需要好好沟通。

There are differences between us that need to be communicated.

2. 他们对这个问题有分歧,无法达成一致意见。

They have differences on this issue and cannot reach a consensus.

3. 我们在工作上有一些分歧,但是我们会努力寻求共识。

We have some differences at work, but we will work hard to seek consensus.

4. 分歧不一定是坏事,它可以带来新的想法和观点。

Differences are not necessarily a bad thing, they can bring new ideas and perspectives.

5. 我们希望能够化解双方的分歧,达成合作。

We hope to resolve the differences between the two sides and reach cooperation.

6. 他们之间的分歧导致了一场激烈的辩论。

The differences between them led to a heated debate.

7. 这次会议旨在解决双方的分歧,促进合作。

This meeting aims to resolve the differences between the two sides and promote cooperation.

8. 尽管我们有分歧,但我们还是尊重彼此的观点。

Despite our differences, we still respect each other's views.

9. 他们之间的分歧一直存在,无法得到解决。

The differences between them have always existed and cannot be resolved.

10. 我们需要找到一种方法来处理我们之间的分歧。

We need to find a way to deal with the differences between us.

11. 他们之间的分歧导致了团队内部的紧张气氛。

The differences between them have led to a tense atmosphere within the team.

12. 尽管存在分歧,但我们仍然可以合作完成任务。

Despite the differences, we can still work together to complete the task.

13. 分歧不应该成为我们之间的障碍,而应该成为我们成长的机会。

Differences should not be obstacles between us, but opportunities for us to grow.

14. 我们需要坦诚地面对我们之间的分歧,以便找到解决的办法。

We need to honestly face the differences between us in order to find a solution.

15. 他们之间的分歧使得合作变得更加困难。

The differences between them make cooperation more difficult.

16. 我们必须找到一种解决分歧的方法,以便继续前行。

We must find a way to resolve differences in order to move forward.

17. 分歧是正常的,但我们需要找到一种平衡。

Differences are normal, but we need to find a balance.

18. 他们之间的分歧使得达成协议变得更加困难。

The differences between them make it more difficult to reach an agreement.

19. 尽管我们有分歧,但我们仍然可以和平相处。

Despite our differences, we can still live in peace.

20. 解决分歧需要双方的努力和妥协。

Resolving differences requires efforts and compromises from both sides.

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