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时间: 2024-09-20 08:17:04


1. 爸爸出差,我要看家。

Dad is on a business trip, I have to look after the house.

2. 请你帮我看家,我去买菜。

Can you look after the house for me while I go buy groceries?

3. 我们家的狗很懂事,可以独自在家看家。

Our dog is very sensible and can look after the house by itself.

4. 我们要离家一周,需要找人来看家。

We are going to be away for a week and need someone to look after the house.

5. 我们家的大儿子负责看家,小儿子负责做家务。

Our eldest son is in charge of looking after the house, and the youngest son is in charge of doing the chores.

6. 我们的邻居答应帮忙看家,我们才敢出去旅行。

Our neighbors have agreed to help look after the house, so we can travel with peace of mind.

7. 我的爷爷奶奶在家看家,我们去参加婚礼。

My grandparents are looking after the house while we go to the wedding.

8. 我妈妈让我看家,但我要去参加比赛。

My mom asked me to look after the house, but I want to go to the competition.

9. 我们不需要找人看家,家里有监控摄像头。

We don't need to find someone to look after the house, we have surveillance cameras at home.

10. 我们雇了一个保姆来帮忙看家。

We hired a maid to help look after the house.

11. 我们家的狗经常在门口看家。

Our dog often looks after the house at the front door.

12. 我们家有个警报系统,不需要找人看家。

We have a security alarm system at home, so we don't need to find someone to look after the house.

13. 看家并不容易,要时刻保持警惕。

It's not easy to look after the house, you have to be vigilant at all times.

14. 她是个很守规矩的孩子,可以让她看家。

She is a very well-behaved child, we can let her look after the house.

15. 我们家的猫经常在院子里看家。

Our cat often looks after the house in the yard.

16. 我可以看家,但我不会做饭。

I can look after the house, but I can't cook.

17. 请你帮我看家,我去接孩子。

Can you help me look after the house while I go pick up the kids?

18. 我们家的保安负责看家,我们可以放心上班。

Our security guard is responsible for looking after the house, so we can go to work with peace of mind.

19. 我们家的邻居答应帮忙看家,我们要去参加朋友的婚礼。

Our neighbors have agreed to help look after the house while we go to our friend's wedding.

20. 我们家的大狗非常聪明,可以独自在家看家。

Our big dog is very smart and can look after the house by itself.

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