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时间: 2024-09-20 08:36:42


1. 他们在青楼里度过了一段短暂而繁华的青春。

They spent a brief and glorious youth in the brothel.

2. 青楼里的女子们都是经过严格培训的艺妓。

The women in the brothel are all rigorously trained courtesans.

3. 在古代,青楼是男人们放松和娱乐的场所。

In ancient times, the brothel was a place for men to relax and entertain themselves.

4. 青楼文化在中国历史上占据了重要地位。

The culture of the brothel has played an important role in Chinese history.

5. 青楼的风情吸引了许多文人雅士。

The charm of the brothel attracted many literati and scholars.

6. 青楼里的女子们以舞蹈和歌唱来取悦客人。

The women in the brothel entertain guests with dance and song.

7. 这座城市曾经有许多著名的青楼。

This city used to have many famous brothels.

8. 青楼是古代社会的一部分。

The brothel was a part of ancient society.

9. 她的母亲曾是一名青楼女子。

Her mother was once a courtesan in a brothel.

10. 青楼文化在中国有着悠久的历史。

The culture of the brothel has a long history in China.

11. 他在青楼里度过了一段荒废的岁月。

He spent a wasted period of time in the brothel.

12. 青楼里的女子们都被视为艺术家。

The women in the brothel are all regarded as artists.

13. 青楼的生意在那个时代非常兴盛。

The business of the brothel was very prosperous in that era.

14. 那位红颜知己曾是一名青楼女子。

The beloved woman was once a courtesan in the brothel.

15. 在历史上,青楼是男女相会的场所。

In history, the brothel was a place for men and women to meet.

16. 青楼里的女子们都非常擅长艺术表演。

The women in the brothel are very skilled in performing arts.

17. 青楼是古代社会的一种特殊存在。

The brothel was a special presence in ancient society.

18. 那个时代的青楼文化非常繁荣。

The culture of the brothel was very prosperous in that era.

19. 青楼里的女子们都有着精湛的才艺。

The women in the brothel all have outstanding talents.

20. 她的祖先曾是一名著名的青楼女子。

Her ancestor was once a famous courtesan in the brothel.

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