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时间: 2024-09-17 13:36:00


1. I start my day with a cup of coffee.(我每天都从一杯咖啡开始。)

2. Would you like to join me for a coffee?(你想和我一起喝杯咖啡吗?)

3. I prefer my coffee black with no sugar.(我喜欢黑咖啡不加糖。)

4. Coffee helps me stay awake during late-night study sessions.(咖啡帮助我在深夜学习时保持清醒。)

5. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the room.(新鲜冲泡的咖啡散发着香气充满整个房间。)

6. I can't function without my morning coffee.(没有早晨的咖啡我无法正常工作。)

7. Coffee is my go-to drink when I need a pick-me-up.(当我需要提神时,咖啡是我的首选饮料。)

8. I love trying different types of coffee from around the world.(我喜欢尝试来自世界各地的不同类型的咖啡。)

9. The barista at my favorite coffee shop makes the best cappuccino.(我最喜欢的咖啡店的咖啡师做的卡布奇诺最好喝。)

10. I always have a thermos of coffee with me when I go camping.(我去露营时总是带着一个保温壶的咖啡。)

11. The coffee at this café is so rich and flavorful.(这家咖啡馆的咖啡味道浓郁且美味。)

12. I like to add a splash of cream to my coffee for a creamier taste.(我喜欢在咖啡中加一点奶油,让口感更加细腻。)

13. The coffee beans are roasted to perfection, giving the coffee a unique flavor.(咖啡豆经过完美的烘焙,赋予了咖啡独特的风味。)

14. My favorite way to enjoy coffee is with a piece of chocolate on the side.(我最喜欢的享用咖啡的方式是配一块巧克力。)

15. I can't resist the temptation of a freshly baked pastry with my coffee.(我忍不住要搭配一块新鲜烘焙的糕点和我的咖啡。)

16. The smell of coffee brewing in the morning is so comforting.(早晨冲泡咖啡的香味是如此令人舒适。)

17. I always make sure to have a cup of coffee before my morning workout.(我总是确保在早晨锻炼前喝一杯咖啡。)

18. The coffee shop down the street is known for its unique blends and flavors.(街上的咖啡店以其独特的混合和风味而闻名。)

19. I love the sound of the coffee machine grinding beans in the morning.(我喜欢早上咖啡机磨咖啡豆的声音。)

20. A cup of coffee is the perfect way to unwind after a long day.(一杯咖啡是结束漫长一天的完美方式。)

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